Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Twitter topic of the day: Why are you waiting to start with your diet & exercise?

My #questionoftheday is why are you waiting to start with your diet & exercise?

I'll start my diet tomorrow! I'll start exercising next week! Sound familiar? Tomorrow never actually comes because you're too busy putting it off! Why wait to get started? There are very few valid reasons! At this time of year it's even more important to get going with your diet & exercise. Once the holidays hit and the holiday food gets on your plate... all you will have is extra pounds with no dieting or exercising. AND the next thing you know it will be 2012 and you'll have lots more work to do! But you'll fix it, right? You'll make some new year's resolutions that you once again won't do. #realtalk It's a cycle that you have to break. You have to get on it before the food temptations of the holiday begin. Give yourself a fighting chance to succeed and get through the holidays with minimal damage & maybe even some progress. You CAN get through the holidays with minimal weight gain and even some positive steps forward. But you have to begin NOW. Don't wait on tomorrows that never come! Change your mindset now. Go after that body you want NOW. Don't leave for tomorrow what you can do today. There is plenty you can do today. Here. Now. Do it. Get started today. Eliminate "I'll start tomorrow" from your mindset. Carpe diem!

#Quote of the day: Don't let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do. - John Wooden

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