Monday, October 3, 2011

Twitter topic of the day: Do you need equipment or a gym to workout?

This post is my twitter daily tips / topic of the day. Follow me on Twitter @ezhomefitness

My #questionoftheday is do you not workout because you don't have any workout equipment or a gym membership?

A lot of people don't workout because they use not having any equipment as an excuse to not workout but you don't need equipment to workout! A lot of people also use that they don't have a gym membership as an excuse but that's just an excuse as well. Too many people have gym memberships that are wasting away because getting the membership was their only effort in going to the gym. Money is too tight nowadays to have a gym membership going to waste. Yes, its good to have but not if you're not going to use it! The truth is that you can get a great workout at home with NO equipment. You just have to get creative and of course be ready to bring it! When it comes to a bodyweight exercise, you have to increase the reps to get the most out of the exercise. A bodyweight exercise is you using your bodyweight for resistance instead of weights. The exercises are functional and the variety is wide. With no equipment you can get a great cardio workout such as jogging, jumping jacks, dancing, martial arts, etc. Bodyweight exercises like pushups, chinups, pullups, squats, core exercises, yoga, pilates, etc. can give you great results. Knowing how to put together a bodyweight exercise program will go a long way to giving you better results but my point is it can be done. My other point is that there are very few excuses to not workout! No weights? No problem! Making excuses... that's a problem! Get creative, get moving, get motivated, get inspired..your future body and health is waiting for you! Will you go out to meet it? I hope so.

#Diet tip: Are you constantly eating snacks all day long? Reduce that to one snack per day. Make it your reward for eating well.

#Exercise tip: When doing bodyweight exercises, shoot for max reps. Don't limit yourself to a set number, wear the muscle out.

#Quote of the day: A dream doesn't become reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination and hard work. - Colin Powell

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