Monday, October 24, 2011

Twitter topic of the day: What is your favorite comfort food?

This post is my twitter daily tips / topic of the day. Follow me on Twitter @ezhomefitness

My #questionoftheday is what is your favorite comfort food?

We all have comfort foods to get us through stress, bad days, break-ups, etc. It's just something that you've made yourself reliant on to be there for you. However, the comfort food is leading to its own problems. It's usually not healthy and is packing on the pounds. That's not good. So, in effect the comfort food is leading to a future form of stress. The comfort food routine is a bad habit! Eliminate the bad habit & moreso, eliminate this bad habit! Remove the comfort food temptation from your cabinets, fridge & desk! Replace it with a healthy lo-calorie alternative instead. Relying on a comfort food is all a mental thing so re-train your brain to rely on something healthy. It will do your health and body good. It will also help you in the long-term by reducing calorie intake. Help your future self and adopt this new good habit. Your future self will thank you.

#Quote of the day: He that can have Patience, can have what he will. - Benjamin Franklin

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