Monday, October 17, 2011

Twitter topic of the day: Do you set fitness goals?

This post is my twitter daily tips / topic of the day. Follow me on Twitter @ezhomefitness

My #questionoftheday is do you set fitness goals or just make it up as you go along?

Too many people take a haphazard approach to their health and fitness and then wonder why they see no results or progress. You have to have direction to know where you want to go and to know if you got there! Having a diet & exercise journal can help you. In your diet journal, you can write what you ate for the day and keep track of the calories to see if you're on/off track. In an exercise journal, you can write your workout for the day and the amounts used (sets, reps, etc.) along with any other pertinent data. You can also make note of your mood, energy levels, motivation level and time for the workout. I know it sounds like a lot of work but you have to take a focused approach to your fitness for results & progress. With a journal you can see on paper where you went right or wrong. It also helps as a map of what works should you come back to it at a later time. Don't take a haphazard approach to your health & fitness! If it hasn't worked all that well in the past, then it's time for a new approach! Your helath is too important to leave it to chance. Get focused. Get to work! Learn what you can. Plan out your diet & exercise and set goals. Set monthly & weekly goals, even daily goals if you need to! Make your goals realistic though! Set small attainable goals at first and make sure they are all in sync with your overall goal. With a focus on your goals, you will find your way there if you stay the course. Be consistent! Stay focused. You can do it.

#Quote of the day: Commit to be fit. - unknown

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