Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Twitter topic of the day: How much time do you put into your diet/exercise program?

This post is my twitter daily tips / topic of the day. Follow me on Twitter @ezhomefitness

My #questionoftheday is how much time do you put into your #diet & #exercise program? Hint: Zero is the wrong answer! ;)

We live busy lives. Work, school, kids, family responsibilities-there's only so many hours in a day that its hard to fit it all in sometimes. BUT there is always time for #diet & #exercise. It might be the most important thing you can do for yourself, even with limited time. We go to work and make money for someone else, if you're lucky u are in business for yourself which is great. Invest in yourself health-wise. Without health what will you have at the end of the day? It's time to learn how to manage your time to improve your health. If you have time to eat, you have time to diet so let's get rid of that excuse right there. Make wise choices with your diet. No fast food. Take the time to prepare your food and take it with you to work/school to eliminate the desire of getting fast food. If it means getting up a little earlier or just moving your morning routine around a little, it's worth it for your diet's sake. As for exercise, there is always time! I'll give you a few examples. Do half your workout in the morning, the other half after school/work. Another example: Exercise on your way to work/school. Park farther and walk the rest. Use the stairs instead of the elevator. Another example: While sitting at work, do isometric exercises. Use office items as weights to do some arm/shoulder exercises. Another example: While watching TV, do your exercise routine. The TV will keep you from being bored & you'll get your exercise in. Another example: Stop using the remote and walk to your TV to change the channel. Lots of options & opportunities to exercise if u look! The point is that there is plenty of time that can be used differently to get some diet & exercise in! Change your routine, change yourself! Stop making excuses and invest time in yourself to improve your health, fitness, your body, your self-image and your self-esteem. You do enough for other people, don't you? Time to invest time in yourself. Invest the time to make you a better you. You deserve it, right?

#Quote of the day; Your only obligation in any lifetime is to be true to yourself. - Richard Bach

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