This post is from my twitter daily tips of the day. Follow me on Twitter @ezhomefitness
#Diet tip of the day: The best sugar substitute is Truvia. Made from an herb; 40x sweeter than sugar; 0 calories; no blood sugar rise.
#Exercise tip of the day: When sick, listen to your body before/during working out. Your body needs rest to heal. Do only what you can.
#Quote of the day: Don't let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do. - John Wooden
Get my daily tips & quotes right to your Facebook page, just hit Like on my FB
Want more than short tips? Want diet & workout articles? Then subscribe to my EZ Home Fitness Motivator Newsletter!
I'm here to help inspire you, motivate you and help you reach your fitness goals whether it's to lose weight, gain weight or train for a sport.
I can help you reach your goals & train you in the comfort of your home with my online training system. Very affordable & flexible plans. If you are interested in being trained by me with my online training program or want more info, visit my site at, read through the Online Training & FAQ pages and you can get started today! I'm ready to help you!
Hi, my name is Mario! I'm a certified personal trainer & lifestyle coach who trains people in their homes and also through an innovative online training system. I train all ages. I am doing this blog as a way to reach more people that I can help to reach their goals. My blog will be full of motivational entries and I hope to inspire you to set and reach your fitness goals. For more about me visit
Monday, August 27, 2012
Monday, April 30, 2012
Twitter tips of the day
This post is from my twitter daily tips of the day. Follow me on Twitter @ezhomefitness
#Diet tip of the day: To prevent dehydration, headaches, cramps, water retention, etc. Drink LOTS of water. Drink 8 8oz. glasses a day minimum.
#Exercise tip of the day: Exercise while watching TV. Every commercial segment, get up & exercise. Pick 1 exercise and work it!
#Quote of the day: No matter who you are, no matter what you do, you absolutely, positively do have the power to change. - Bill Phillips
Get my daily tips &: quotes right to your Facebook page, just hit Like on my FB
I'm here to help inspire you, motivate you and help you reach your fitness goals whether it's to lose weight, gain weight or train for a sport.
I can help you reach your goals & train you in the comfort of your home with my online training system. Very affordable & flexible plans. If you are interested in being trained by me with my online training program or want more info, visit my site at, read through the Online Training & FAQ pages and you can get started today! I'm ready to help you!
#Diet tip of the day: To prevent dehydration, headaches, cramps, water retention, etc. Drink LOTS of water. Drink 8 8oz. glasses a day minimum.
#Exercise tip of the day: Exercise while watching TV. Every commercial segment, get up & exercise. Pick 1 exercise and work it!
#Quote of the day: No matter who you are, no matter what you do, you absolutely, positively do have the power to change. - Bill Phillips
Get my daily tips &: quotes right to your Facebook page, just hit Like on my FB
I'm here to help inspire you, motivate you and help you reach your fitness goals whether it's to lose weight, gain weight or train for a sport.
I can help you reach your goals & train you in the comfort of your home with my online training system. Very affordable & flexible plans. If you are interested in being trained by me with my online training program or want more info, visit my site at, read through the Online Training & FAQ pages and you can get started today! I'm ready to help you!
Friday, April 27, 2012
Twitter Q&A
This post is from my twitter daily tips of the day. Follow me on Twitter @ezhomefitness
It's Friday, it's that day... Q&A Friday!! Ask away with your #diet, #exercise, #nutrition, #stress mgmt, #motivation, #lifestyle questions!
Q: Which nuts are better, walnuts or almonds? A: Walnuts have more fat (good fat) but also more antioxidants & help lower cholesterol.
Q: What are the benefits of using bands? A: Resistance bands offer a convenient, mobile resistance source for doing exercises. Work good!
Q: What is a good exercise for love handles? A: Diet is what will get rid of love handles. To tone the obliques, use core & twisting exercises.
Q: What is better, crunches or situps? A: Both work well of course. Situps work more overall muscles. Crunches are good for upper abs.
Q: I love salty food, is it healthy? A: Depends on what you eat. In moderation. High sodium consumption can lead to high blood pressure.
Q: I just got a treadmill, how long should I use it to lose weight? A: Minimum of 30 min (up to 45 min), 5 - 6 days a week.
#Quote of the day: To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream; not only plan, but also believe. - Anatole France
Get my daily tips & quotes right to your Facebook page, just hit Like on my FB
I'm here to help inspire you, motivate you and help you reach your fitness goals whether it's to lose weight, gain weight or train for a sport.
I can help you reach your goals & train you in the comfort of your home with my online training system. Very affordable & flexible plans. If you are interested in being trained by me with my online training program or want more info, visit my site at, read through the Online Training & FAQ pages and you can get started today! I'm ready to help you!
It's Friday, it's that day... Q&A Friday!! Ask away with your #diet, #exercise, #nutrition, #stress mgmt, #motivation, #lifestyle questions!
Q: Which nuts are better, walnuts or almonds? A: Walnuts have more fat (good fat) but also more antioxidants & help lower cholesterol.
Q: What are the benefits of using bands? A: Resistance bands offer a convenient, mobile resistance source for doing exercises. Work good!
Q: What is a good exercise for love handles? A: Diet is what will get rid of love handles. To tone the obliques, use core & twisting exercises.
Q: What is better, crunches or situps? A: Both work well of course. Situps work more overall muscles. Crunches are good for upper abs.
Q: I love salty food, is it healthy? A: Depends on what you eat. In moderation. High sodium consumption can lead to high blood pressure.
Q: I just got a treadmill, how long should I use it to lose weight? A: Minimum of 30 min (up to 45 min), 5 - 6 days a week.
#Quote of the day: To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream; not only plan, but also believe. - Anatole France
Get my daily tips & quotes right to your Facebook page, just hit Like on my FB
I'm here to help inspire you, motivate you and help you reach your fitness goals whether it's to lose weight, gain weight or train for a sport.
I can help you reach your goals & train you in the comfort of your home with my online training system. Very affordable & flexible plans. If you are interested in being trained by me with my online training program or want more info, visit my site at, read through the Online Training & FAQ pages and you can get started today! I'm ready to help you!
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Twitter tips of the day
This post is from my twitter daily tips of the day. Follow me on Twitter @ezhomefitness
#Diet tip of the day: There is great truth to the saying that says: Eat breakfast like a King, lunch like a Prince and dinner like a Pauper. In other words, eat less as the day wears on as you will have less time to burn those calories off.
#Exercise tip of the day: For obliques (sides of waist), never use weights! Instead use core & twisting exercises to tighten the muscles.
#Quote of the day: In order to change we must be sick and tired of being sick and tired. - unknown
Get my daily tips & quotes right to your Facebook page, just hit Like on my FB
I'm here to help inspire you, motivate you and help you reach your fitness goals whether it's to lose weight, gain weight or train for a sport.
I can help you reach your goals & train you in the comfort of your home with my online training system. Very affordable & flexible plans. If you are interested in being trained by me with my online training program or want more info, visit my site at, read through the Online Training & FAQ pages and you can get started today! I'm ready to help you!
#Diet tip of the day: There is great truth to the saying that says: Eat breakfast like a King, lunch like a Prince and dinner like a Pauper. In other words, eat less as the day wears on as you will have less time to burn those calories off.
#Exercise tip of the day: For obliques (sides of waist), never use weights! Instead use core & twisting exercises to tighten the muscles.
#Quote of the day: In order to change we must be sick and tired of being sick and tired. - unknown
Get my daily tips & quotes right to your Facebook page, just hit Like on my FB
I'm here to help inspire you, motivate you and help you reach your fitness goals whether it's to lose weight, gain weight or train for a sport.
I can help you reach your goals & train you in the comfort of your home with my online training system. Very affordable & flexible plans. If you are interested in being trained by me with my online training program or want more info, visit my site at, read through the Online Training & FAQ pages and you can get started today! I'm ready to help you!
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Twitter tips of the day
This post is from my twitter daily tips of the day. Follow me on Twitter @ezhomefitness
#Diet tip of the day: Eat the skin of apples, the white skin left on an orange after you peel it & other edible fruit skins for bioflavonoids.
#Exercise tip of the day: Feeling muscle soreness? Do warmups to flush away the soreness before your next workout.
#Quote of the day: When it comes to eating right and exercising, there is no "I'll start tomorrow." Tomorrow is disease. - V.L. Allineare
Get my daily tips & quotes right to your Facebook page, just hit Like on my FB
I'm here to help inspire you, motivate you and help you reach your fitness goals whether it's to lose weight, gain weight or train for a sport.
I can help you reach your goals & train you in the comfort of your home with my online training system. Very affordable & flexible plans. If you are interested in being trained by me with my online training program or want more info, visit my site at, read through the Online Training & FAQ pages and you can get started today! I'm ready to help you!
#Diet tip of the day: Eat the skin of apples, the white skin left on an orange after you peel it & other edible fruit skins for bioflavonoids.
#Exercise tip of the day: Feeling muscle soreness? Do warmups to flush away the soreness before your next workout.
#Quote of the day: When it comes to eating right and exercising, there is no "I'll start tomorrow." Tomorrow is disease. - V.L. Allineare
Get my daily tips & quotes right to your Facebook page, just hit Like on my FB
I'm here to help inspire you, motivate you and help you reach your fitness goals whether it's to lose weight, gain weight or train for a sport.
I can help you reach your goals & train you in the comfort of your home with my online training system. Very affordable & flexible plans. If you are interested in being trained by me with my online training program or want more info, visit my site at, read through the Online Training & FAQ pages and you can get started today! I'm ready to help you!
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Twitter tips of the day
This post is from my twitter daily tips of the day. Follow me on Twitter @ezhomefitness
Began a new workout yesterday, feeling very sore today!! BUT I don't shy away from that, I embrace that and so should you. Soreness is your body's way of saying you worked it and that it has to adapt for the next time you work it out that way. Dieting & exercise is all about perspective. If you feel you are doing it for the right reasons, then you will see its all for the better good.
#Diet tip of the day: Skipping meals is only slowing down your metabolism & causing blood sugar spikes when you eat. Eat every 2.5-3 hours.
#Exercise tip of the day: Use total body exercises with little rest between sets to get a muscle workout as well as a cardio workout.
#Quote of the day: It's no coincidence that four of the six letters in health are 'heal'. - Ed Northstrum
Get my daily tips & quotes right to your Facebook page, just hit Like on my FB
I'm here to help inspire you, motivate you and help you reach your fitness goals whether it's to lose weight, gain weight or train for a sport.
I can help you reach your goals & train you in the comfort of your home with my online training system. Very affordable & flexible plans. If you are interested in being trained by me with my online training program or want more info, visit my site at, read through the Online Training & FAQ pages and you can get started today! I'm ready to help you!
Began a new workout yesterday, feeling very sore today!! BUT I don't shy away from that, I embrace that and so should you. Soreness is your body's way of saying you worked it and that it has to adapt for the next time you work it out that way. Dieting & exercise is all about perspective. If you feel you are doing it for the right reasons, then you will see its all for the better good.
#Diet tip of the day: Skipping meals is only slowing down your metabolism & causing blood sugar spikes when you eat. Eat every 2.5-3 hours.
#Exercise tip of the day: Use total body exercises with little rest between sets to get a muscle workout as well as a cardio workout.
#Quote of the day: It's no coincidence that four of the six letters in health are 'heal'. - Ed Northstrum
Get my daily tips & quotes right to your Facebook page, just hit Like on my FB
I'm here to help inspire you, motivate you and help you reach your fitness goals whether it's to lose weight, gain weight or train for a sport.
I can help you reach your goals & train you in the comfort of your home with my online training system. Very affordable & flexible plans. If you are interested in being trained by me with my online training program or want more info, visit my site at, read through the Online Training & FAQ pages and you can get started today! I'm ready to help you!
Monday, April 23, 2012
Twitter tips of the day
This post is from my twitter daily tips of the day. Follow me on Twitter @ezhomefitness
#Diet tip of the day: Place crave foods out of reach/sight-back of the drawer at work, back of fridge, high in a cabinet or just eliminate it.
#Exercise tip of the day: Change your workout every 3-4 weeks to keep it fresh and keep your body from adapting/plateauing.
#Quote of the day: As I see it, every day you do one of two things: build health or produce disease in yourself. - Adelle Davis
Get my daily tips & quotes right to your Facebook page, just hit Like on my FB
I'm here to help inspire you, motivate you and help you reach your fitness goals whether it's to lose weight, gain weight or train for a sport.
I can help you reach your goals & train you in the comfort of your home with my online training system. Very affordable & flexible plans. If you are interested in being trained by me with my online training program or want more info, visit my site at, read through the Online Training & FAQ pages and you can get started today! I'm ready to help you!
#Diet tip of the day: Place crave foods out of reach/sight-back of the drawer at work, back of fridge, high in a cabinet or just eliminate it.
#Exercise tip of the day: Change your workout every 3-4 weeks to keep it fresh and keep your body from adapting/plateauing.
#Quote of the day: As I see it, every day you do one of two things: build health or produce disease in yourself. - Adelle Davis
Get my daily tips & quotes right to your Facebook page, just hit Like on my FB
I'm here to help inspire you, motivate you and help you reach your fitness goals whether it's to lose weight, gain weight or train for a sport.
I can help you reach your goals & train you in the comfort of your home with my online training system. Very affordable & flexible plans. If you are interested in being trained by me with my online training program or want more info, visit my site at, read through the Online Training & FAQ pages and you can get started today! I'm ready to help you!
Friday, April 20, 2012
Twitter Q&A
This post is from my twitter daily tips / topic of the day. Follow me on Twitter @ezhomefitness
TGIF! It's Friday which means its time for Q&A Friday! Ask me your #diet, #exercise, #nutrition, #stress, #lifestyle questions! Go!!
Q: I have skinny calfs, what's a good calf workout? A: Do standing & seated calf raises with a moderate weight. Hi reps (20-25), 3 sets each.
Q: What is the best diet out there? A: The best diet is the one that you will like the food choices available and thus will follow longer.
Q: I work 12 hour days, how can I find time to workout? A: Try a 1/2 hr workout before or after work or split it and do it before & after.
Q: Is it possible to focus on one area during weightloss? A: No, fat loss can't be spot reduced but your body will reshape itself so as you lose weight, natural curves will show more and with better definition. Arms, abs, legs, etc.
Q: What's the best footwear to use to workout? A: If you are doing low impact work, then anything comfortable that provides support is good. However, if you are doing any high impact work then you need to wear supportive, thick soled shock absorbent and light footwear.
Q: I hate my love handles, what's a good workout? A: Love handles are where your body stores fat so you have to attack it with diet. You can tone the obliques underneath with twisting moves and ab/core work but the diet (and cardio) is what will get rid of them.
Q: How do you figure out BMI? A: Body Mass Index is calculated by height and weight but is not a good indicator of muscle or fitness IMO.
Q: Does yoga help alleviate stress? A: Yes! Concentrate on your breathing during yoga to get the max stress busting effect of it.
#Quote of the day: The secret of happiness is freedom, and the secret of freedom is courage. - Thucydides
Get my daily tips & quotes right to your Facebook page, just hit Like on my FB
I'm here to help inspire you, motivate you and help you reach your fitness goals whether it's to lose weight, gain weight or train for a sport.
I can help you reach your goals & train you in the comfort of your home with my online training system. Very affordable & flexible plans. If you are interested in being trained by me with my online training program or want more info, visit my site at, read through the Online Training & FAQ pages and you can get started today! I'm ready to help you!
TGIF! It's Friday which means its time for Q&A Friday! Ask me your #diet, #exercise, #nutrition, #stress, #lifestyle questions! Go!!
Q: I have skinny calfs, what's a good calf workout? A: Do standing & seated calf raises with a moderate weight. Hi reps (20-25), 3 sets each.
Q: What is the best diet out there? A: The best diet is the one that you will like the food choices available and thus will follow longer.
Q: I work 12 hour days, how can I find time to workout? A: Try a 1/2 hr workout before or after work or split it and do it before & after.
Q: Is it possible to focus on one area during weightloss? A: No, fat loss can't be spot reduced but your body will reshape itself so as you lose weight, natural curves will show more and with better definition. Arms, abs, legs, etc.
Q: What's the best footwear to use to workout? A: If you are doing low impact work, then anything comfortable that provides support is good. However, if you are doing any high impact work then you need to wear supportive, thick soled shock absorbent and light footwear.
Q: I hate my love handles, what's a good workout? A: Love handles are where your body stores fat so you have to attack it with diet. You can tone the obliques underneath with twisting moves and ab/core work but the diet (and cardio) is what will get rid of them.
Q: How do you figure out BMI? A: Body Mass Index is calculated by height and weight but is not a good indicator of muscle or fitness IMO.
Q: Does yoga help alleviate stress? A: Yes! Concentrate on your breathing during yoga to get the max stress busting effect of it.
#Quote of the day: The secret of happiness is freedom, and the secret of freedom is courage. - Thucydides
Get my daily tips & quotes right to your Facebook page, just hit Like on my FB
I'm here to help inspire you, motivate you and help you reach your fitness goals whether it's to lose weight, gain weight or train for a sport.
I can help you reach your goals & train you in the comfort of your home with my online training system. Very affordable & flexible plans. If you are interested in being trained by me with my online training program or want more info, visit my site at, read through the Online Training & FAQ pages and you can get started today! I'm ready to help you!
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Twitter tips of the day
This post is from my twitter daily tips of the day. Follow me on Twitter @ezhomefitness
#Diet tip of the day: Clean out your fridge and cupboards of all tempting bad food & replace them with good, healthy food and snacks.
#Exercise tip of the day: Stretch more as you age to maintain flexibility. Having flexibility is the key to have your body feeling young.
#Quote of the day: The only limitations you will ever face will be those you place upon yourself. - Keith DeGreen
Get my daily tips & quotes right to your Facebook page, just hit Like on my FB
Want more than short tips? Want diet & workout articles? Then subscribe to my EZ Home Fitness Motivator Newsletter!
I'm here to help inspire you, motivate you and help you reach your fitness goals whether it's to lose weight, gain weight or train for a sport.
I can help you reach your goals & train you in the comfort of your home with my online training system. Very affordable & flexible plans. If you are interested in being trained by me with my online training program or want more info, visit my site at, read through the Online Training & FAQ pages and you can get started today! I'm ready to help you!
#Diet tip of the day: Clean out your fridge and cupboards of all tempting bad food & replace them with good, healthy food and snacks.
#Exercise tip of the day: Stretch more as you age to maintain flexibility. Having flexibility is the key to have your body feeling young.
#Quote of the day: The only limitations you will ever face will be those you place upon yourself. - Keith DeGreen
Get my daily tips & quotes right to your Facebook page, just hit Like on my FB
Want more than short tips? Want diet & workout articles? Then subscribe to my EZ Home Fitness Motivator Newsletter!
I'm here to help inspire you, motivate you and help you reach your fitness goals whether it's to lose weight, gain weight or train for a sport.
I can help you reach your goals & train you in the comfort of your home with my online training system. Very affordable & flexible plans. If you are interested in being trained by me with my online training program or want more info, visit my site at, read through the Online Training & FAQ pages and you can get started today! I'm ready to help you!
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Twitter tips of the day
This post is from my twitter daily tips of the day. Follow me on Twitter @ezhomefitness
#Diet tip of the day: Fight back colds with Vitamin C. 1000 mg per day, take more if you're getting sick to shorten the sickness duration.
#Exercise tip of the day: Always properly warm-up your shoulders & rotator cuffs before upper body work. Non-weighted arm circles work well.
#Quote of the day: We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore, is not an act but a habit. – Aristotle
Get my daily tips & quotes right to your Facebook page, just hit Like on my FB
Want more than short tips? Want diet & workout articles? Then subscribe to my EZ Home Fitness Motivator Newsletter!
I'm here to help inspire you, motivate you and help you reach your fitness goals whether it's to lose weight, gain weight or train for a sport.
I can help you reach your goals & train you in the comfort of your home with my online training system. Very affordable & flexible plans. If you are interested in being trained by me with my online training program or want more info, visit my site at, read through the Online Training & FAQ pages and you can get started today! I'm ready to help you!
#Diet tip of the day: Fight back colds with Vitamin C. 1000 mg per day, take more if you're getting sick to shorten the sickness duration.
#Exercise tip of the day: Always properly warm-up your shoulders & rotator cuffs before upper body work. Non-weighted arm circles work well.
#Quote of the day: We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore, is not an act but a habit. – Aristotle
Get my daily tips & quotes right to your Facebook page, just hit Like on my FB
Want more than short tips? Want diet & workout articles? Then subscribe to my EZ Home Fitness Motivator Newsletter!
I'm here to help inspire you, motivate you and help you reach your fitness goals whether it's to lose weight, gain weight or train for a sport.
I can help you reach your goals & train you in the comfort of your home with my online training system. Very affordable & flexible plans. If you are interested in being trained by me with my online training program or want more info, visit my site at, read through the Online Training & FAQ pages and you can get started today! I'm ready to help you!
Monday, February 27, 2012
Twitter tips of the day
This post is from my twitter daily tips of the day. Follow me on Twitter @ezhomefitness
#Diet tip of the day: Need a way to get in your fruit/vegetable servings for the day along with protein? Make protein smoothies! Delicious!
#Exercise tip of the day: You don't need fitness equipment to get your cardio work done. Dance/kickbox/aerobics/jog/sprint- lots of options!
#Quote of the day: He who refuses to embrace a unique opportunity loses the prize as surely as if he had failed. - William James
Get my daily tips & quotes right to your Facebook page, just hit Like on my FB
Want more than short tips? Want diet & workout articles? Then subscribe to my EZ Home Fitness Motivator Newsletter!
I'm here to help inspire you, motivate you and help you reach your fitness goals whether it's to lose weight, gain weight or train for a sport.
I can help you reach your goals & train you in the comfort of your home with my online training system. Very affordable & flexible plans. If you are interested in being trained by me with my online training program or want more info, visit my site at, read through the Online Training & FAQ pages and you can get started today! I'm ready to help you!
#Diet tip of the day: Need a way to get in your fruit/vegetable servings for the day along with protein? Make protein smoothies! Delicious!
#Exercise tip of the day: You don't need fitness equipment to get your cardio work done. Dance/kickbox/aerobics/jog/sprint- lots of options!
#Quote of the day: He who refuses to embrace a unique opportunity loses the prize as surely as if he had failed. - William James
Get my daily tips & quotes right to your Facebook page, just hit Like on my FB
Want more than short tips? Want diet & workout articles? Then subscribe to my EZ Home Fitness Motivator Newsletter!
I'm here to help inspire you, motivate you and help you reach your fitness goals whether it's to lose weight, gain weight or train for a sport.
I can help you reach your goals & train you in the comfort of your home with my online training system. Very affordable & flexible plans. If you are interested in being trained by me with my online training program or want more info, visit my site at, read through the Online Training & FAQ pages and you can get started today! I'm ready to help you!
Friday, February 24, 2012
Twitter Q and A
This post is from my twitter daily tips of the day. Follow me on Twitter @ezhomefitness
TGIF! It's time for Q&A Friday! Ask me your #diet, #exercise, #nutrition, #stress, #lifestyle questions!!
Q: How many hours of sleep is good? A: 7-8 hrs = ideal. 6 hrs is pushing it, especially if you are working out or are stressed. Less is bad.
Q: Can I workout with no equipment? A: Yes! There are plenty of body-weight exercises you can do and still get a great workout.
Q: Should I take an energy drink before a workout? A: No. Your pre-workout drink should include 20 grams of protein. Sip water during workout.
Q: I just began working out and am always sore. Why? A: Your body is adapting to the stresses of the workout, it will get better soon!
Q: What is a good lower back exercise? A: Good mornings. Standing, hands on head. Bend at the waist (90 degrees), come back up. 10 reps, 2-3 sets.
Q: What's a good stretch for tight hamstrings? A: There are lots of good hamstring stretches. Standing bent over legs wide stretch, basic.
Q: How can I diet better? A: Find a diet with food that you like and will eat. This will allow you to stick to your diet.
#Quote of the day: If you're headed in the wrong direction, God allows U-turns. – unknown
Get my daily tips & quotes right to your Facebook page, just hit Like on my FB
Want more than short tips? Want diet & workout articles? Then subscribe to my EZ Home Fitness Motivator Newsletter!
I'm here to help inspire you, motivate you and help you reach your fitness goals whether it's to lose weight, gain weight or train for a sport.
I can help you reach your goals & train you in the comfort of your home with my online training system. Very affordable & flexible plans. If you are interested in being trained by me with my online training program or want more info, visit my site at, read through the Online Training & FAQ pages and you can get started today! I'm ready to help you!
TGIF! It's time for Q&A Friday! Ask me your #diet, #exercise, #nutrition, #stress, #lifestyle questions!!
Q: How many hours of sleep is good? A: 7-8 hrs = ideal. 6 hrs is pushing it, especially if you are working out or are stressed. Less is bad.
Q: Can I workout with no equipment? A: Yes! There are plenty of body-weight exercises you can do and still get a great workout.
Q: Should I take an energy drink before a workout? A: No. Your pre-workout drink should include 20 grams of protein. Sip water during workout.
Q: I just began working out and am always sore. Why? A: Your body is adapting to the stresses of the workout, it will get better soon!
Q: What is a good lower back exercise? A: Good mornings. Standing, hands on head. Bend at the waist (90 degrees), come back up. 10 reps, 2-3 sets.
Q: What's a good stretch for tight hamstrings? A: There are lots of good hamstring stretches. Standing bent over legs wide stretch, basic.
Q: How can I diet better? A: Find a diet with food that you like and will eat. This will allow you to stick to your diet.
#Quote of the day: If you're headed in the wrong direction, God allows U-turns. – unknown
Get my daily tips & quotes right to your Facebook page, just hit Like on my FB
Want more than short tips? Want diet & workout articles? Then subscribe to my EZ Home Fitness Motivator Newsletter!
I'm here to help inspire you, motivate you and help you reach your fitness goals whether it's to lose weight, gain weight or train for a sport.
I can help you reach your goals & train you in the comfort of your home with my online training system. Very affordable & flexible plans. If you are interested in being trained by me with my online training program or want more info, visit my site at, read through the Online Training & FAQ pages and you can get started today! I'm ready to help you!
Thursday, February 23, 2012
Twitter tips of the day
This post is from my twitter daily tips of the day. Follow me on Twitter @ezhomefitness
#Diet tip of the day: Always have protein with every meal. Breakfast tip: Mix in some protein powder with your oatmeal for flavor & protein!
#Exercise tip of the day: Get in exercise while watching TV! Pick an exercise and do it for the duration of every commercial segment.
#Quote of the day: Nothing happens unless first we dream. - Carl Sandburg
Get my daily tips & quotes right to your Facebook page, just hit Like on my FB
Want more than short tips? Want diet & workout articles? Then subscribe to my EZ Home Fitness Motivator Newsletter!
I'm here to help inspire you, motivate you and help you reach your fitness goals whether it's to lose weight, gain weight or train for a sport.
I can help you reach your goals & train you in the comfort of your home with my online training system. Very affordable & flexible plans. If you are interested in being trained by me with my online training program or want more info, visit my site at, read through the Online Training & FAQ pages and you can get started today! I'm ready to help you!
#Diet tip of the day: Always have protein with every meal. Breakfast tip: Mix in some protein powder with your oatmeal for flavor & protein!
#Exercise tip of the day: Get in exercise while watching TV! Pick an exercise and do it for the duration of every commercial segment.
#Quote of the day: Nothing happens unless first we dream. - Carl Sandburg
Get my daily tips & quotes right to your Facebook page, just hit Like on my FB
Want more than short tips? Want diet & workout articles? Then subscribe to my EZ Home Fitness Motivator Newsletter!
I'm here to help inspire you, motivate you and help you reach your fitness goals whether it's to lose weight, gain weight or train for a sport.
I can help you reach your goals & train you in the comfort of your home with my online training system. Very affordable & flexible plans. If you are interested in being trained by me with my online training program or want more info, visit my site at, read through the Online Training & FAQ pages and you can get started today! I'm ready to help you!
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Twitter tips of the day
This post is from my twitter daily tips of the day. Follow me on Twitter @ezhomefitness
#Diet tip of the day: The richer the color in vegetables, the more nutrients it has. Especially when referring to green vegetables.
#Exercise tip of the day: Always warm up and cool down muscles before & after exercise to avoid injury.
#Quote of the day: I would rather try to succeed and fail than try to do nothing and succeed. - Og Mandino
Get my daily tips & quotes right to your Facebook page, just hit Like on my FB
Want more than short tips? Want diet & workout articles? Then subscribe to my EZ Home Fitness Motivator Newsletter!
I'm here to help inspire you, motivate you and help you reach your fitness goals whether it's to lose weight, gain weight or train for a sport.
I can help you reach your goals & train you in the comfort of your home with my online training system. Very affordable & flexible plans. If you are interested in being trained by me with my online training program or want more info, visit my site at, read through the Online Training & FAQ pages and you can get started today! I'm ready to help you!
#Diet tip of the day: The richer the color in vegetables, the more nutrients it has. Especially when referring to green vegetables.
#Exercise tip of the day: Always warm up and cool down muscles before & after exercise to avoid injury.
#Quote of the day: I would rather try to succeed and fail than try to do nothing and succeed. - Og Mandino
Get my daily tips & quotes right to your Facebook page, just hit Like on my FB
Want more than short tips? Want diet & workout articles? Then subscribe to my EZ Home Fitness Motivator Newsletter!
I'm here to help inspire you, motivate you and help you reach your fitness goals whether it's to lose weight, gain weight or train for a sport.
I can help you reach your goals & train you in the comfort of your home with my online training system. Very affordable & flexible plans. If you are interested in being trained by me with my online training program or want more info, visit my site at, read through the Online Training & FAQ pages and you can get started today! I'm ready to help you!
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Twitter tips of the day
This post is from my twitter daily tips of the day. Follow me on Twitter @ezhomefitness
#Diet tip of the day: Reduce sodium (salt) intake. Salt causes water retention and can raise blood pressure.
#Exercise tip of the day: Calves should not be neglected. Since they naturally work hard all day, they need hi reps to really get worked.
#Quote of the day: Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall. – Confucius
Get my daily tips & quotes right to your Facebook page, just hit Like on my FB
Want more than short tips? Want diet & workout articles? Then subscribe to my EZ Home Fitness Motivator Newsletter!
I'm here to help inspire you, motivate you and help you reach your fitness goals whether it's to lose weight, gain weight or train for a sport.
I can help you reach your goals & train you in the comfort of your home with my online training system. Very affordable & flexible plans. If you are interested in being trained by me with my online training program or want more info, visit my site at, read through the Online Training & FAQ pages and you can get started today! I'm ready to help you!
#Diet tip of the day: Reduce sodium (salt) intake. Salt causes water retention and can raise blood pressure.
#Exercise tip of the day: Calves should not be neglected. Since they naturally work hard all day, they need hi reps to really get worked.
#Quote of the day: Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall. – Confucius
Get my daily tips & quotes right to your Facebook page, just hit Like on my FB
Want more than short tips? Want diet & workout articles? Then subscribe to my EZ Home Fitness Motivator Newsletter!
I'm here to help inspire you, motivate you and help you reach your fitness goals whether it's to lose weight, gain weight or train for a sport.
I can help you reach your goals & train you in the comfort of your home with my online training system. Very affordable & flexible plans. If you are interested in being trained by me with my online training program or want more info, visit my site at, read through the Online Training & FAQ pages and you can get started today! I'm ready to help you!
Monday, February 20, 2012
Twitter tips of the day
This post is from my twitter daily tips of the day. Follow me on Twitter @ezhomefitness
#Diet tip of the day: When trying to lose weight, eat! Most people don't eat enough and are telling their bodies to store fat, not lose it.
#Exercise tip: DO NOT train obliques with weights. Instead use hi reps with no weights and twisting movements.
#Quote of the day: To be upset over what you don't have is to waste what you do have. - Ken S. Keyes, Jr.
Get my daily tips & quotes right to your Facebook page, just hit Like on my FB
Want more than short tips? Want diet & workout articles? Then subscribe to my EZ Home Fitness Motivator Newsletter!
I'm here to help inspire you, motivate you and help you reach your fitness goals whether it's to lose weight, gain weight or train for a sport.
I can help you reach your goals & train you in the comfort of your home with my online training system. Very affordable & flexible plans. If you are interested in being trained by me with my online training program or want more info, visit my site at, read through the Online Training & FAQ pages and you can get started today! I'm ready to help you!
#Diet tip of the day: When trying to lose weight, eat! Most people don't eat enough and are telling their bodies to store fat, not lose it.
#Exercise tip: DO NOT train obliques with weights. Instead use hi reps with no weights and twisting movements.
#Quote of the day: To be upset over what you don't have is to waste what you do have. - Ken S. Keyes, Jr.
Get my daily tips & quotes right to your Facebook page, just hit Like on my FB
Want more than short tips? Want diet & workout articles? Then subscribe to my EZ Home Fitness Motivator Newsletter!
I'm here to help inspire you, motivate you and help you reach your fitness goals whether it's to lose weight, gain weight or train for a sport.
I can help you reach your goals & train you in the comfort of your home with my online training system. Very affordable & flexible plans. If you are interested in being trained by me with my online training program or want more info, visit my site at, read through the Online Training & FAQ pages and you can get started today! I'm ready to help you!
Friday, February 17, 2012
Twitter Q and A
This post is from my twitter daily tips of the day. Follow me on Twitter @ezhomefitness
TGIF!! OH... you know what that means! It's time for Q&A Friday! Ask me your #diet, #exercise, #nutrition, #stress, #lifestyle questions!
Q: What is better - bands or weights? A: Both are good. Weights offer more muscle building. Bands offer more convenience especially when traveling. I am an advocate of both for toning though. Bands are very good for beginners. After a certain point, I would switch to weights.
Q: Are peanuts good for you? A: All nuts, in moderation are good sources of good fat. Walnuts and almonds are much better nuts to eat.
Q: How much water should I drink? A: At least eight 8oz glasses of water a day. Hard trainers should drink more.
Q: Do you train athletes? A: Yes, I train all from beginners to seniors to athletes. I help them train to be better for their specific sport.
Q: I don't sweat much during my workout? Why not? A: I would say you're not working hard enough. Build heat with a good warm-up and work hard.
Q: What is the easiest way to cut weight fast for wrestling? A: Easiest way is by staying close to weight class limit year-round. Stay away from diuretics - may fail you if you are tested. Drink lots of water. Do intense cardio (bike). Sauna. Salt bath. Be careful.
Q: Best arm exercise? A: Basics - Biceps- alternating dumbbell curls. Triceps- lying triceps extensions (skull crushers).
Q: What are best workout & foods while pregnant? A: Nothing strenuous. Light weights & hi reps to keep tone. Diet depends on you & your baby’s needs.
#Quote of the day: The only place where success comes before work is in the dictionary. - Vidal Sassoon
Get my daily tips & quotes right to your Facebook page, just hit Like on my FB
Want more than short tips? Want diet & workout articles? Then subscribe to my EZ Home Fitness Motivator Newsletter!
I'm here to help inspire you, motivate you and help you reach your fitness goals whether it's to lose weight, gain weight or train for a sport.
I can help you reach your goals & train you in the comfort of your home with my online training system. Very affordable & flexible plans. If you are interested in being trained by me with my online training program or want more info, visit my site at, read through the Online Training & FAQ pages and you can get started today! I'm ready to help you!
TGIF!! OH... you know what that means! It's time for Q&A Friday! Ask me your #diet, #exercise, #nutrition, #stress, #lifestyle questions!
Q: What is better - bands or weights? A: Both are good. Weights offer more muscle building. Bands offer more convenience especially when traveling. I am an advocate of both for toning though. Bands are very good for beginners. After a certain point, I would switch to weights.
Q: Are peanuts good for you? A: All nuts, in moderation are good sources of good fat. Walnuts and almonds are much better nuts to eat.
Q: How much water should I drink? A: At least eight 8oz glasses of water a day. Hard trainers should drink more.
Q: Do you train athletes? A: Yes, I train all from beginners to seniors to athletes. I help them train to be better for their specific sport.
Q: I don't sweat much during my workout? Why not? A: I would say you're not working hard enough. Build heat with a good warm-up and work hard.
Q: What is the easiest way to cut weight fast for wrestling? A: Easiest way is by staying close to weight class limit year-round. Stay away from diuretics - may fail you if you are tested. Drink lots of water. Do intense cardio (bike). Sauna. Salt bath. Be careful.
Q: Best arm exercise? A: Basics - Biceps- alternating dumbbell curls. Triceps- lying triceps extensions (skull crushers).
Q: What are best workout & foods while pregnant? A: Nothing strenuous. Light weights & hi reps to keep tone. Diet depends on you & your baby’s needs.
#Quote of the day: The only place where success comes before work is in the dictionary. - Vidal Sassoon
Get my daily tips & quotes right to your Facebook page, just hit Like on my FB
Want more than short tips? Want diet & workout articles? Then subscribe to my EZ Home Fitness Motivator Newsletter!
I'm here to help inspire you, motivate you and help you reach your fitness goals whether it's to lose weight, gain weight or train for a sport.
I can help you reach your goals & train you in the comfort of your home with my online training system. Very affordable & flexible plans. If you are interested in being trained by me with my online training program or want more info, visit my site at, read through the Online Training & FAQ pages and you can get started today! I'm ready to help you!
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Twitter tips of the day
This post is from my twitter daily tips of the day. Follow me on Twitter @ezhomefitness
#Diet tip of the day: Always have protein at every meal. Eggs, beans, meat, poultry, fish, whey protein shakes.
#Motivation tip of the day: Always keep your end goal in mind and use small easy goals as motivators as you progress towards your end goal.
#Quote of the day: Learning to love yourself it is the greatest love of all. - Whitney Houston
Get my daily tips & quotes right to your Facebook page, just hit Like on my FB
Want more than short tips? Want diet & workout articles? Then subscribe to my EZ Home Fitness Motivator Newsletter!
I'm here to help inspire you, motivate you and help you reach your fitness goals whether it's to lose weight, gain weight or train for a sport.
I can help you reach your goals & train you in the comfort of your home with my online training system. Very affordable & flexible plans. If you are interested in being trained by me with my online training program or want more info, visit my site at, read through the Online Training & FAQ pages and you can get started today! I'm ready to help you!
#Diet tip of the day: Always have protein at every meal. Eggs, beans, meat, poultry, fish, whey protein shakes.
#Motivation tip of the day: Always keep your end goal in mind and use small easy goals as motivators as you progress towards your end goal.
#Quote of the day: Learning to love yourself it is the greatest love of all. - Whitney Houston
Get my daily tips & quotes right to your Facebook page, just hit Like on my FB
Want more than short tips? Want diet & workout articles? Then subscribe to my EZ Home Fitness Motivator Newsletter!
I'm here to help inspire you, motivate you and help you reach your fitness goals whether it's to lose weight, gain weight or train for a sport.
I can help you reach your goals & train you in the comfort of your home with my online training system. Very affordable & flexible plans. If you are interested in being trained by me with my online training program or want more info, visit my site at, read through the Online Training & FAQ pages and you can get started today! I'm ready to help you!
Monday, February 13, 2012
Twitter tips of the day
This post is from my twitter daily tips of the day. Follow me on Twitter @ezhomefitness
#Diet tip of the day: To boost metabolism and keep blood sugar stable, eat 5-6 small meals a day spaced about 2-3 hours apart.
#Motivation tip of the day: Set a goal with a deadline. Give yourself a very visual reminder of said goal (ex- jeans you want to fit into).
#Quote of the day: A dream doesn't become reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination and hard work. - Colin Powell
Get my daily tips & quotes right to your Facebook page, just hit Like on my FB
Want more than short tips? Want diet & workout articles? Then subscribe to my EZ Home Fitness Motivator Newsletter!
I'm here to help inspire you, motivate you and help you reach your fitness goals whether it's to lose weight, gain weight or train for a sport.
I can help you reach your goals & train you in the comfort of your home with my online training system. Very affordable & flexible plans. If you are interested in being trained by me with my online training program or want more info, visit my site at, read through the Online Training & FAQ pages and you can get started today! I'm ready to help you!
#Diet tip of the day: To boost metabolism and keep blood sugar stable, eat 5-6 small meals a day spaced about 2-3 hours apart.
#Motivation tip of the day: Set a goal with a deadline. Give yourself a very visual reminder of said goal (ex- jeans you want to fit into).
#Quote of the day: A dream doesn't become reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination and hard work. - Colin Powell
Get my daily tips & quotes right to your Facebook page, just hit Like on my FB
Want more than short tips? Want diet & workout articles? Then subscribe to my EZ Home Fitness Motivator Newsletter!
I'm here to help inspire you, motivate you and help you reach your fitness goals whether it's to lose weight, gain weight or train for a sport.
I can help you reach your goals & train you in the comfort of your home with my online training system. Very affordable & flexible plans. If you are interested in being trained by me with my online training program or want more info, visit my site at, read through the Online Training & FAQ pages and you can get started today! I'm ready to help you!
Friday, February 10, 2012
Twitter Q and A
This post is from my twitter daily tips of the day. Follow me on Twitter @ezhomefitness
TGIF!! It's Friday! It's Q&A Friday!! Woohoo! {cue the cheerleaders & marching band} Ask me your #diet & #exercise questions! :)
Q: If I miss a few workouts, is that bad? A: Yes, the body quickly loses its fitness level. Be consistent for optimal results!
Q: I don't sleep that much, is that hurting my workouts? A: Yes, the body needs sleep to recover and grow from workouts. 7-8 hours is good.
Q: How much vitamin C should I take daily? A: 1 1000mg pill twice a day is good. 1 in the morning & 1 post-workout. Take up to 5/day if sick.
Q: What is a good winter outdoor exercise I can do? A: Cross country skiing is a top notch winter
outdoor exercise.
Q: Is it ok to workout late at night? A: Yes, just make sure you have the energy to properly workout & not injure yourself. Anytime is fine.
Q: How many calories should you eat while trying to lose fat? A: This answer varies due to height & weight but a lot more calories than most eat!
Q: I'm eating like 1000 calories a day but am not losing weight! Why? A: Because you simply are not eating enough. You have to eat more to lose.
#Quote of the day: True friendship consists not in the multitude of friends, but in their worth and value. - Ben Jonson
Get my daily tips & quotes right to your Facebook page, just hit Like on my FB
Want more than short tips? Want diet & workout articles? Then subscribe to my EZ Home Fitness Motivator Newsletter!
I'm here to help inspire you, motivate you and help you reach your fitness goals whether it's to lose weight, gain weight or train for a sport.
I can help you reach your goals & train you in the comfort of your home with my online training system. Very affordable & flexible plans. If you are interested in being trained by me with my online training program or want more info, visit my site at, read through the Online Training & FAQ pages and you can get started today! I'm ready to help you!
TGIF!! It's Friday! It's Q&A Friday!! Woohoo! {cue the cheerleaders & marching band} Ask me your #diet & #exercise questions! :)
Q: If I miss a few workouts, is that bad? A: Yes, the body quickly loses its fitness level. Be consistent for optimal results!
Q: I don't sleep that much, is that hurting my workouts? A: Yes, the body needs sleep to recover and grow from workouts. 7-8 hours is good.
Q: How much vitamin C should I take daily? A: 1 1000mg pill twice a day is good. 1 in the morning & 1 post-workout. Take up to 5/day if sick.
Q: What is a good winter outdoor exercise I can do? A: Cross country skiing is a top notch winter
outdoor exercise.
Q: Is it ok to workout late at night? A: Yes, just make sure you have the energy to properly workout & not injure yourself. Anytime is fine.
Q: How many calories should you eat while trying to lose fat? A: This answer varies due to height & weight but a lot more calories than most eat!
Q: I'm eating like 1000 calories a day but am not losing weight! Why? A: Because you simply are not eating enough. You have to eat more to lose.
#Quote of the day: True friendship consists not in the multitude of friends, but in their worth and value. - Ben Jonson
Get my daily tips & quotes right to your Facebook page, just hit Like on my FB
Want more than short tips? Want diet & workout articles? Then subscribe to my EZ Home Fitness Motivator Newsletter!
I'm here to help inspire you, motivate you and help you reach your fitness goals whether it's to lose weight, gain weight or train for a sport.
I can help you reach your goals & train you in the comfort of your home with my online training system. Very affordable & flexible plans. If you are interested in being trained by me with my online training program or want more info, visit my site at, read through the Online Training & FAQ pages and you can get started today! I'm ready to help you!
Thursday, February 9, 2012
Twitter topic of the day: What are you doing to try to put on some weight?
This post is from my twitter daily tips of the day. Follow me on Twitter @ezhomefitness
My #questionoftheday is for those trying to gain weight. What are you doing to try to put on some weight?
There are those that wish to gain weight and have trouble doing so. No matter what they do, they can't gain weight. This is a product of a very fast metabolism. Basically, calories are burned before they can be stored into fat or muscle building. Although it's a problem most people would want, it does present a problem for those who wish to gain weight and can't. Can it be helped? Of course and in the very same way as someone trying to lose weight - through proper exercise and diet. The person trying to lose weight has to do long bouts of cardio to burn fat and build their cardiovascular system. The person trying to gain weight should just do moderate bouts of cardio to burn non-muscle building calories and build their cardio. Too much cardio is bad for someone trying to gain weight. Also, not eating enough food to build muscle. Also, close attention must be paid to exercise with an emphasis on a lower rep range. Whether trying to lose or gain weight, proper manipulation of exercise/cardio and diet is important towards achieving your goals. All your body and fitness goals can be achieved through proper diet & exercise.
#Quote of the day: No matter who you are, no matter what you do, you absolutely, positively do have the power to change. - Bill Phillips
Get my daily tips & quotes right to your Facebook page, just hit Like on my FB
Want more than short tips? Want diet & workout articles? Then subscribe to my EZ Home Fitness Motivator Newsletter!
I'm here to help inspire you, motivate you and help you reach your fitness goals whether it's to lose weight, gain weight or train for a sport.
I can help you reach your goals & train you in the comfort of your home with my online training system. Very affordable & flexible plans. If you are interested in being trained by me with my online training program or want more info, visit my site at, read through the Online Training & FAQ pages and you can get started today! I'm ready to help you!
My #questionoftheday is for those trying to gain weight. What are you doing to try to put on some weight?
There are those that wish to gain weight and have trouble doing so. No matter what they do, they can't gain weight. This is a product of a very fast metabolism. Basically, calories are burned before they can be stored into fat or muscle building. Although it's a problem most people would want, it does present a problem for those who wish to gain weight and can't. Can it be helped? Of course and in the very same way as someone trying to lose weight - through proper exercise and diet. The person trying to lose weight has to do long bouts of cardio to burn fat and build their cardiovascular system. The person trying to gain weight should just do moderate bouts of cardio to burn non-muscle building calories and build their cardio. Too much cardio is bad for someone trying to gain weight. Also, not eating enough food to build muscle. Also, close attention must be paid to exercise with an emphasis on a lower rep range. Whether trying to lose or gain weight, proper manipulation of exercise/cardio and diet is important towards achieving your goals. All your body and fitness goals can be achieved through proper diet & exercise.
#Quote of the day: No matter who you are, no matter what you do, you absolutely, positively do have the power to change. - Bill Phillips
Get my daily tips & quotes right to your Facebook page, just hit Like on my FB
Want more than short tips? Want diet & workout articles? Then subscribe to my EZ Home Fitness Motivator Newsletter!
I'm here to help inspire you, motivate you and help you reach your fitness goals whether it's to lose weight, gain weight or train for a sport.
I can help you reach your goals & train you in the comfort of your home with my online training system. Very affordable & flexible plans. If you are interested in being trained by me with my online training program or want more info, visit my site at, read through the Online Training & FAQ pages and you can get started today! I'm ready to help you!
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
Twitter topic of the day: Do you eat breakfast?
This post is from my twitter daily tips of the day. Follow me on Twitter @ezhomefitness
My #questionoftheday is do you eat breakfast?
Do you know there is a saying that says that breakfast is the most important meal of the day? Let's examine why this is. To keep your metabolism humming along at a high rate, you should eat every 2-3 hours. Then night-time happens. Let's say your last meal of the day is at 7pm & you wake up at 6am and eat breakfast at 7am, that's 12 hours of fast. In that time your metabolism has slowed, your body is starving for carbs and your muscles are starving for protein. If you don't eat breakfast, you are only going to hurt your metabolism and any muscle growth you have made. For those of you looking to build muscle (which should be everyone as muscle helps burn fat), missing breakfast is hurting your muscles. Even if you workout in the morning, having a whey protein shake first thing in the morning is a good idea. You should have protein of some kind at EVERY meal, breakfast especially. In an effort to hold onto their hard earned muscle, bodybuilders will get up in the middle of the night to have protein shakes. They also take a slow digesting protein (casein) before going to bed, all in an effort to feed their muscles while they sleep. There are many food tips when it comes to dieting properly but always remember rule #1 - don't skip breakfast! Start your day off right. Do right by your body and it will do right by you. Get your day off to a good start with a good breakfast and build on it from there!
#Quote of the day: It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are. - E.E. Cummings
Get my daily tips & quotes right to your Facebook page, just hit Like on my FB
Want more than short tips? Want diet & workout articles? Then subscribe to my EZ Home Fitness Motivator Newsletter!
I'm here to help inspire you, motivate you and help you reach your fitness goals whether it's to lose weight, gain weight or train for a sport.
I can help you reach your goals & train you in the comfort of your home with my online training system. Very affordable & flexible plans. If you are interested in being trained by me with my online training program or want more info, visit my site at, read through the Online Training & FAQ pages and you can get started today! I'm ready to help you!
My #questionoftheday is do you eat breakfast?
Do you know there is a saying that says that breakfast is the most important meal of the day? Let's examine why this is. To keep your metabolism humming along at a high rate, you should eat every 2-3 hours. Then night-time happens. Let's say your last meal of the day is at 7pm & you wake up at 6am and eat breakfast at 7am, that's 12 hours of fast. In that time your metabolism has slowed, your body is starving for carbs and your muscles are starving for protein. If you don't eat breakfast, you are only going to hurt your metabolism and any muscle growth you have made. For those of you looking to build muscle (which should be everyone as muscle helps burn fat), missing breakfast is hurting your muscles. Even if you workout in the morning, having a whey protein shake first thing in the morning is a good idea. You should have protein of some kind at EVERY meal, breakfast especially. In an effort to hold onto their hard earned muscle, bodybuilders will get up in the middle of the night to have protein shakes. They also take a slow digesting protein (casein) before going to bed, all in an effort to feed their muscles while they sleep. There are many food tips when it comes to dieting properly but always remember rule #1 - don't skip breakfast! Start your day off right. Do right by your body and it will do right by you. Get your day off to a good start with a good breakfast and build on it from there!
#Quote of the day: It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are. - E.E. Cummings
Get my daily tips & quotes right to your Facebook page, just hit Like on my FB
Want more than short tips? Want diet & workout articles? Then subscribe to my EZ Home Fitness Motivator Newsletter!
I'm here to help inspire you, motivate you and help you reach your fitness goals whether it's to lose weight, gain weight or train for a sport.
I can help you reach your goals & train you in the comfort of your home with my online training system. Very affordable & flexible plans. If you are interested in being trained by me with my online training program or want more info, visit my site at, read through the Online Training & FAQ pages and you can get started today! I'm ready to help you!
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
Twitter topic of the day: What is your attitude towards yourself and how do you think it relates to your health?
This post is from my twitter daily tips of the day. Follow me on Twitter @ezhomefitness
My #questionoftheday is what is your attitude towards yourself and how do you think it relates to your health?
Did you know that your attitude about & towards yourself is an important part of your health & fitness? If you have a bad attitude towards yourself then you will be apathetic about proper diet & exercise. Do you think that helps? Instead, you are feeding the bad attitude (and your body) by doing your body more harm than good. You are building a toxic mess internally with your toxic mentality towards & about yourself. STOP. You can change that which you don't like. You can change bad habits, destructive habits and self-sabotaging behaviors. BUT you have to first admit it, then do something about it! Take a self-evaluation on those habits and behaviors of yours that are holding you back and attack them one by one. Take those weaknesses and eliminate them. Leave yourself only with strengths and then use those strengths to go for your goals. It all begins with your attitude towards yourself. If you think you deserve more (AND YOU DO!), then YOU have to do something about it. Change your attitude about yourself and you'll feel a new sense of purpose with your diet and exercise. Don't ever let a negative attitude dictate what you should do for yourself. Always positive and always push forward.
#Quote of the day: The greatest discovery of my generation is that a human being can alter his life by altering his attitudes.-William James
Get my daily tips & quotes right to your Facebook page, just hit Like on my FB
Want more than short tips? Want diet & workout articles? Then subscribe to my EZ Home Fitness Motivator Newsletter!
I'm here to help inspire you, motivate you and help you reach your fitness goals whether it's to lose weight, gain weight or train for a sport.
I can help you reach your goals & train you in the comfort of your home with my online training system. Very affordable & flexible plans. If you are interested in being trained by me with my online training program or want more info, visit my site at, read through the Online Training & FAQ pages and you can get started today! I'm ready to help you!
My #questionoftheday is what is your attitude towards yourself and how do you think it relates to your health?
Did you know that your attitude about & towards yourself is an important part of your health & fitness? If you have a bad attitude towards yourself then you will be apathetic about proper diet & exercise. Do you think that helps? Instead, you are feeding the bad attitude (and your body) by doing your body more harm than good. You are building a toxic mess internally with your toxic mentality towards & about yourself. STOP. You can change that which you don't like. You can change bad habits, destructive habits and self-sabotaging behaviors. BUT you have to first admit it, then do something about it! Take a self-evaluation on those habits and behaviors of yours that are holding you back and attack them one by one. Take those weaknesses and eliminate them. Leave yourself only with strengths and then use those strengths to go for your goals. It all begins with your attitude towards yourself. If you think you deserve more (AND YOU DO!), then YOU have to do something about it. Change your attitude about yourself and you'll feel a new sense of purpose with your diet and exercise. Don't ever let a negative attitude dictate what you should do for yourself. Always positive and always push forward.
#Quote of the day: The greatest discovery of my generation is that a human being can alter his life by altering his attitudes.-William James
Get my daily tips & quotes right to your Facebook page, just hit Like on my FB
Want more than short tips? Want diet & workout articles? Then subscribe to my EZ Home Fitness Motivator Newsletter!
I'm here to help inspire you, motivate you and help you reach your fitness goals whether it's to lose weight, gain weight or train for a sport.
I can help you reach your goals & train you in the comfort of your home with my online training system. Very affordable & flexible plans. If you are interested in being trained by me with my online training program or want more info, visit my site at, read through the Online Training & FAQ pages and you can get started today! I'm ready to help you!
Friday, February 3, 2012
Twitter Q&A
This post is from my twitter daily tips of the day. Follow me on Twitter @ezhomefitness
TGIF!! It's Friday (cue the Rebecca Black music) and you know what that means- it's Q&A Friday!! Ask me your #diet & #exercise questions!
Q: No matter what I do I can't get rid of my love handles, why? A: That is where your body stores fat. You will have to be stricter with diet.
Q: My left calf feels tight, how can I stretch it? A: Yoga pose downward facing dog. Bend right leg, keep left leg straight. Switch back/forth.
Q: What is a good diet for me to do? A: The one that has food that you will eat. That way you will want to stick to it.
Q: How long should I work out for? A: Workout wise- 30-60min. Lifestyle wise- don't stop when you get some results. Train for your lifetime.
Q: My 10yr old son is obese, is he too young to work out? A: No, he can work out but he should stay away from heavy resistance exercises.
Q: What do you think of the shake weight? A: Waste of money. Use real weights and cardio to build & tone muscle.
Q: How many calories should I eat per day? A: I need more info. It depends on a few factors (weight, energy expenditure, etc.)
Q: What exercises should I do to get a flat belly? A: Without diet, you won't get there. Do lower ab/core exercises- plank, leg raises, etc.
#Quote of the day: If you're headed in the wrong direction, God allows U-turns. – unknown
Get my daily tips & quotes right to your Facebook page, just hit Like on my FB
Want more than short tips? Want diet & workout articles? Then subscribe to my EZ Home Fitness Motivator Newsletter!
I'm here to help inspire you, motivate you and help you reach your fitness goals whether it's to lose weight, gain weight or train for a sport.
I can help you reach your goals & train you in the comfort of your home with my online training system. Very affordable & flexible plans. If you are interested in being trained by me with my online training program or want more info, visit my site at, read through the Online Training & FAQ pages and you can get started today! I'm ready to help you!
TGIF!! It's Friday (cue the Rebecca Black music) and you know what that means- it's Q&A Friday!! Ask me your #diet & #exercise questions!
Q: No matter what I do I can't get rid of my love handles, why? A: That is where your body stores fat. You will have to be stricter with diet.
Q: My left calf feels tight, how can I stretch it? A: Yoga pose downward facing dog. Bend right leg, keep left leg straight. Switch back/forth.
Q: What is a good diet for me to do? A: The one that has food that you will eat. That way you will want to stick to it.
Q: How long should I work out for? A: Workout wise- 30-60min. Lifestyle wise- don't stop when you get some results. Train for your lifetime.
Q: My 10yr old son is obese, is he too young to work out? A: No, he can work out but he should stay away from heavy resistance exercises.
Q: What do you think of the shake weight? A: Waste of money. Use real weights and cardio to build & tone muscle.
Q: How many calories should I eat per day? A: I need more info. It depends on a few factors (weight, energy expenditure, etc.)
Q: What exercises should I do to get a flat belly? A: Without diet, you won't get there. Do lower ab/core exercises- plank, leg raises, etc.
#Quote of the day: If you're headed in the wrong direction, God allows U-turns. – unknown
Get my daily tips & quotes right to your Facebook page, just hit Like on my FB
Want more than short tips? Want diet & workout articles? Then subscribe to my EZ Home Fitness Motivator Newsletter!
I'm here to help inspire you, motivate you and help you reach your fitness goals whether it's to lose weight, gain weight or train for a sport.
I can help you reach your goals & train you in the comfort of your home with my online training system. Very affordable & flexible plans. If you are interested in being trained by me with my online training program or want more info, visit my site at, read through the Online Training & FAQ pages and you can get started today! I'm ready to help you!
Thursday, February 2, 2012
Twitter topic of the day: What is your attitude towards diet and exercise?
This post is from my twitter daily tips of the day. Follow me on Twitter @ezhomefitness
My #questionoftheday is what is your attitude towards #diet and #exercise?
There is a saying that says "Attitude is everything". That's true! If you have a negative attitude towards #diet & #exercise, then you have already pre-destined your failure with it. A negative attitude will make you not want to try, not want to bother, not want to find or make the time and will have you looking for excuses. How are you supposed to get moving and do what you need to do when you're getting in your own way with a negative attitude? How are you supposed to find solutions and work on getting better when you are focusing on making excuses instead? Taking an apathetic approach to #diet & #exercise is no better. Your body would rather be lazy and gain weight than get fit. It's up to you! Having a positive approach to #diet & #exercise WILL help you see results and keep you going when you plateau. You have to realize that even if you aren't seeing quick results from your #diet & #exercise, your body IS getting fitter, stronger, and healthier. A positive attitude is very important to your #diet & #exercise success, and to any success in life really. So get positive & go for your goals.
#Quote of the day: Once you replace negative thoughts with positive ones, you'll start having positive results. - Willie Nelson
Get my daily tips & quotes right to your Facebook page, just hit Like on my FB
Want more than short tips? Want diet & workout articles? Then subscribe to my EZ Home Fitness Motivator Newsletter!
I'm here to help inspire you, motivate you and help you reach your fitness goals whether it's to lose weight, gain weight or train for a sport.
I can help you reach your goals & train you in the comfort of your home with my online training system. Very affordable & flexible plans. If you are interested in being trained by me with my online training program or want more info, visit my site at, read through the Online Training & FAQ pages and you can get started today! I'm ready to help you!
My #questionoftheday is what is your attitude towards #diet and #exercise?
There is a saying that says "Attitude is everything". That's true! If you have a negative attitude towards #diet & #exercise, then you have already pre-destined your failure with it. A negative attitude will make you not want to try, not want to bother, not want to find or make the time and will have you looking for excuses. How are you supposed to get moving and do what you need to do when you're getting in your own way with a negative attitude? How are you supposed to find solutions and work on getting better when you are focusing on making excuses instead? Taking an apathetic approach to #diet & #exercise is no better. Your body would rather be lazy and gain weight than get fit. It's up to you! Having a positive approach to #diet & #exercise WILL help you see results and keep you going when you plateau. You have to realize that even if you aren't seeing quick results from your #diet & #exercise, your body IS getting fitter, stronger, and healthier. A positive attitude is very important to your #diet & #exercise success, and to any success in life really. So get positive & go for your goals.
#Quote of the day: Once you replace negative thoughts with positive ones, you'll start having positive results. - Willie Nelson
Get my daily tips & quotes right to your Facebook page, just hit Like on my FB
Want more than short tips? Want diet & workout articles? Then subscribe to my EZ Home Fitness Motivator Newsletter!
I'm here to help inspire you, motivate you and help you reach your fitness goals whether it's to lose weight, gain weight or train for a sport.
I can help you reach your goals & train you in the comfort of your home with my online training system. Very affordable & flexible plans. If you are interested in being trained by me with my online training program or want more info, visit my site at, read through the Online Training & FAQ pages and you can get started today! I'm ready to help you!
Monday, January 23, 2012
Twitter topic of the day: What if I told you there was a way to save money and improve your health, what would you think?
This post is from my twitter daily tips / topic of the day. Follow me on Twitter @ezhomefitness
My #questionoftheday is what if I told you there was a way to save money and improve your health, what would you think?
What if I told you that there was a way that you could improve your health and save money at the same time, what would you say? Would you find it unbelievable? Would you be skeptical? Well, there is a way and it is really quite simple... The easiest way to get healthier and save money is to invest in yourself and do what is necessary to get healthier NOW. Do you think that your current bodyweight is helping your knees? Your back? Your lungs? Your heart? It's NOT. And unfortunately, its only going to worse over time as you age. The effect of being overweight only compound with age. You see, as you age your body will naturally get less fit and flexible. It is up to you to decide that you want to fight that. You have to choose to get fitter to stall the effects of aging. Doing so now will help prevent current health issues from becoming worse. In fact, you might even be able to get rid of them altogether. Wouldn't you like to feel better in a year than you feel today? Look better? Feel more fit? Then get started! Stop thinking about it & do it. How does that save you money? By getting fit and more healthy, you are helping to prevent costly diseases and treatments. A great many diseases can be prevented through proper diet and exercise. The cost savings is in not needing medicine, doctor visits, hospital stays, missing work. Not to mention the stress on you and your family. I can't overstate how poor health, especially as you age, can take a toll on you and your quality of life. As well, as those you care about. No one wants that for themselves or their family YET they don't take the opportunities before them to change their futures. Take yours now! Decide to make a change, not only for yourself but for your future. Please don't wait until it's too late. Make that decision to change.
#Quote of the day: Every patient carries her or his own doctor inside. - Albert Schweitzer
Get my daily tips & quotes right to your Facebook page, just hit Like on my FB
I'm here to help inspire you, motivate you and help you reach your fitness goals whether it's to lose weight, gain weight or train for a sport.
I can help you reach your goals & train you in the comfort of your home with my online training system. Affordable. If you are interested in being trained by me with my online training program or want more info, visit my site at and use the email link there. I hope to hear from you!
My #questionoftheday is what if I told you there was a way to save money and improve your health, what would you think?
What if I told you that there was a way that you could improve your health and save money at the same time, what would you say? Would you find it unbelievable? Would you be skeptical? Well, there is a way and it is really quite simple... The easiest way to get healthier and save money is to invest in yourself and do what is necessary to get healthier NOW. Do you think that your current bodyweight is helping your knees? Your back? Your lungs? Your heart? It's NOT. And unfortunately, its only going to worse over time as you age. The effect of being overweight only compound with age. You see, as you age your body will naturally get less fit and flexible. It is up to you to decide that you want to fight that. You have to choose to get fitter to stall the effects of aging. Doing so now will help prevent current health issues from becoming worse. In fact, you might even be able to get rid of them altogether. Wouldn't you like to feel better in a year than you feel today? Look better? Feel more fit? Then get started! Stop thinking about it & do it. How does that save you money? By getting fit and more healthy, you are helping to prevent costly diseases and treatments. A great many diseases can be prevented through proper diet and exercise. The cost savings is in not needing medicine, doctor visits, hospital stays, missing work. Not to mention the stress on you and your family. I can't overstate how poor health, especially as you age, can take a toll on you and your quality of life. As well, as those you care about. No one wants that for themselves or their family YET they don't take the opportunities before them to change their futures. Take yours now! Decide to make a change, not only for yourself but for your future. Please don't wait until it's too late. Make that decision to change.
#Quote of the day: Every patient carries her or his own doctor inside. - Albert Schweitzer
Get my daily tips & quotes right to your Facebook page, just hit Like on my FB
I'm here to help inspire you, motivate you and help you reach your fitness goals whether it's to lose weight, gain weight or train for a sport.
I can help you reach your goals & train you in the comfort of your home with my online training system. Affordable. If you are interested in being trained by me with my online training program or want more info, visit my site at and use the email link there. I hope to hear from you!
Friday, January 20, 2012
Twitter Q&A
This post is from my twitter daily tips / topic of the day. Follow me on Twitter @ezhomefitness
It's Friday! That can only mean that it's time for Q&A Friday! {woohoo!} So ask me your #diet, #exercise, #nutrition, #lifestyle questions!
Q: Can stress make me fat? A: Yes! Too long to go into but physically it can. Mentally it can too by causing u to not want to take care of u.
Q: I hate diet food, what do I do? A: Find a diet that allows the foods you like. This will help you to stick to it!
Q: I want to lose weight but am not motivated. Can you help? A: I can but not I nor anyone else can help you until YOU really want it.
Q: Is 5 hours of sleep enough? A: No. Your body requires more sleep to recover and work optimally. 7-8 hours is optimal.
Q: Is it best to eat less on rest days/less active days? A: Since your activity level is less, then in theory yes but it also depends on your workout regimen and the diet you are on. If u are a hardcore exerciser-eating more on a rest day can fuel the next days of workouts.
Q: My hair is thin and breaks easily, are there vitamins I can take? A: Yes. Look for hair strengthening supplements at a health food store.
Q: I hurt my wrist, how can I workout? A: Do non-weight/resistance exercise. Also, do isometric exercise until the wrist heals. Let it heal!
Quote of the day: A friend is one who believes in you when you have ceased to believe in yourself. - unknown
Get my daily tips & quotes right to your Facebook page, just hit Like on my FB
I'm here to help inspire you, motivate you and help you reach your fitness goals whether it's to lose weight, gain weight or train for a sport.
I can help you reach your goals & train you in the comfort of your home with my online training system. Affordable. If you are interested in being trained by me with my online training program or want more info, visit my site at and use the email link there. I hope to hear from you!
It's Friday! That can only mean that it's time for Q&A Friday! {woohoo!} So ask me your #diet, #exercise, #nutrition, #lifestyle questions!
Q: Can stress make me fat? A: Yes! Too long to go into but physically it can. Mentally it can too by causing u to not want to take care of u.
Q: I hate diet food, what do I do? A: Find a diet that allows the foods you like. This will help you to stick to it!
Q: I want to lose weight but am not motivated. Can you help? A: I can but not I nor anyone else can help you until YOU really want it.
Q: Is 5 hours of sleep enough? A: No. Your body requires more sleep to recover and work optimally. 7-8 hours is optimal.
Q: Is it best to eat less on rest days/less active days? A: Since your activity level is less, then in theory yes but it also depends on your workout regimen and the diet you are on. If u are a hardcore exerciser-eating more on a rest day can fuel the next days of workouts.
Q: My hair is thin and breaks easily, are there vitamins I can take? A: Yes. Look for hair strengthening supplements at a health food store.
Q: I hurt my wrist, how can I workout? A: Do non-weight/resistance exercise. Also, do isometric exercise until the wrist heals. Let it heal!
Quote of the day: A friend is one who believes in you when you have ceased to believe in yourself. - unknown
Get my daily tips & quotes right to your Facebook page, just hit Like on my FB
I'm here to help inspire you, motivate you and help you reach your fitness goals whether it's to lose weight, gain weight or train for a sport.
I can help you reach your goals & train you in the comfort of your home with my online training system. Affordable. If you are interested in being trained by me with my online training program or want more info, visit my site at and use the email link there. I hope to hear from you!
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Twitter topic of the day: How much effort do you honestly give to your workouts?
This post is from my twitter daily tips / topic of the day. Follow me on Twitter @ezhomefitness
My #questionoftheday is how much effort do you honestly give to your workouts?
How much effort to put into a workout? Go at a moderate pace? Go hardcore? Depends on your goals but always give 100%! If you are low on energy or sick then probably your 100% for that day will only be about 50-75% of what you normally would do but that's ok. For that day, that is your 100%. But if you have the energy and are taking the time to dedicate to your workout session for the day then go all in and give your 100%. Half assed exercise will yield half assed results... IF you're lucky! You are already there to do exercise so DO IT! Don't give 25%, 50% or even 90%. Go for it and set a new standard for yourself. Exercise time is not the time to go easy on yourself. You probably do enough of that, don't you? So hit those exercises hard. #realtalk Not having energy or time is not enough of a reason. You can always find energy and time if you want something bad enough. I would think wanting better health and feeling more fit and healthy is enough reason! Sick of being sick and tired, do something about it! Don't use the excuses that got you where you are at now, to not better yourself or you'll find yourself in the same place, year after year. Hit your exercise routines with 100% effort. Exercises programs don't fail people, people fail people. #realtalk You have to give your exercises 100% to get maximum benefit out of them. Help your heart, lungs, joints now... don't wait till it's too late. Get out there and do your exercise and stop with the 0-99% effort, go 100% effort always! Give your best to achieve your best. You CAN do it.
Quote of the day: Physical fitness can neither be achieved by wishful thinking nor outright purchase. - Joseph Pilates
Get my daily tips & quotes right to your Facebook page, just hit Like on my FB
I'm here to help inspire you, motivate you and help you reach your fitness goals whether it's to lose weight, gain weight or train for a sport.
I can help you reach your goals & train you in the comfort of your home with my online training system. Affordable. If you are interested in being trained by me with my online training program or want more info, visit my site at and use the email link there. I hope to hear from you!
My #questionoftheday is how much effort do you honestly give to your workouts?
How much effort to put into a workout? Go at a moderate pace? Go hardcore? Depends on your goals but always give 100%! If you are low on energy or sick then probably your 100% for that day will only be about 50-75% of what you normally would do but that's ok. For that day, that is your 100%. But if you have the energy and are taking the time to dedicate to your workout session for the day then go all in and give your 100%. Half assed exercise will yield half assed results... IF you're lucky! You are already there to do exercise so DO IT! Don't give 25%, 50% or even 90%. Go for it and set a new standard for yourself. Exercise time is not the time to go easy on yourself. You probably do enough of that, don't you? So hit those exercises hard. #realtalk Not having energy or time is not enough of a reason. You can always find energy and time if you want something bad enough. I would think wanting better health and feeling more fit and healthy is enough reason! Sick of being sick and tired, do something about it! Don't use the excuses that got you where you are at now, to not better yourself or you'll find yourself in the same place, year after year. Hit your exercise routines with 100% effort. Exercises programs don't fail people, people fail people. #realtalk You have to give your exercises 100% to get maximum benefit out of them. Help your heart, lungs, joints now... don't wait till it's too late. Get out there and do your exercise and stop with the 0-99% effort, go 100% effort always! Give your best to achieve your best. You CAN do it.
Quote of the day: Physical fitness can neither be achieved by wishful thinking nor outright purchase. - Joseph Pilates
Get my daily tips & quotes right to your Facebook page, just hit Like on my FB
I'm here to help inspire you, motivate you and help you reach your fitness goals whether it's to lose weight, gain weight or train for a sport.
I can help you reach your goals & train you in the comfort of your home with my online training system. Affordable. If you are interested in being trained by me with my online training program or want more info, visit my site at and use the email link there. I hope to hear from you!
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Twitter topic of the day: Who do you depend on for support in your diet & exercise journey?
This post is from my twitter daily tips / topic of the day. Follow me on Twitter @ezhomefitness
My #questionoftheday is who do you depend on for support in your #diet & #exercise journey?
Some people, such as myself, depend on only themselves to diet & exercise. This takes a very disciplined and self-motivating mindset. It's not easy with constant temptations and with those around you eating differently or telling you that you don't need to do it, etc. Most people though need a support system of sorts. Whether its a family member, friend, training partner, personal trainer, etc. Just someone to help hold you accountable when things get tough and the mind gets weak. When looking for someone to support you though, you need to find someone who keeps your best interests in mind and puts you first. You have to find someone that has your agenda as their priority and that you can put your trust in that they will keep you accountable. It also is important that the person you choose as your support system know what pitfalls, plateaus, stumbling blocks, etc. may occur. You don't want your support system being with someone who doesn't know what to do when you hit an obstacle. No blind leading the blind. Instead find someone who understands the process, understands your goals and understands what it takes to get to your goal. Having that someone that can tell you what you're doing wrong can eliminate so many mistakes and lead to faster progress than you'd do alone. Even for the self-motivated, having a support system is important. Just having someone letting you know they see progress is motivating. Don't discount the use of a support system or the benefits of it. It could be key in your progress and seeing results.
#Quote of the day: It's lack of faith that makes people afraid of meeting challenges, and I believe in myself. - Muhammad Ali
Get my daily tips & quotes right to your Facebook page, just hit Like on my FB
I'm here to help inspire you, motivate you and help you reach your fitness goals whether it's to lose weight, gain weight or train for a sport.
I can help you reach your goals & train you in the comfort of your home with my online training system. Affordable. If you are interested in being trained by me with my online training program or want more info, visit my site at and use the email link there. I hope to hear from you!
My #questionoftheday is who do you depend on for support in your #diet & #exercise journey?
Some people, such as myself, depend on only themselves to diet & exercise. This takes a very disciplined and self-motivating mindset. It's not easy with constant temptations and with those around you eating differently or telling you that you don't need to do it, etc. Most people though need a support system of sorts. Whether its a family member, friend, training partner, personal trainer, etc. Just someone to help hold you accountable when things get tough and the mind gets weak. When looking for someone to support you though, you need to find someone who keeps your best interests in mind and puts you first. You have to find someone that has your agenda as their priority and that you can put your trust in that they will keep you accountable. It also is important that the person you choose as your support system know what pitfalls, plateaus, stumbling blocks, etc. may occur. You don't want your support system being with someone who doesn't know what to do when you hit an obstacle. No blind leading the blind. Instead find someone who understands the process, understands your goals and understands what it takes to get to your goal. Having that someone that can tell you what you're doing wrong can eliminate so many mistakes and lead to faster progress than you'd do alone. Even for the self-motivated, having a support system is important. Just having someone letting you know they see progress is motivating. Don't discount the use of a support system or the benefits of it. It could be key in your progress and seeing results.
#Quote of the day: It's lack of faith that makes people afraid of meeting challenges, and I believe in myself. - Muhammad Ali
Get my daily tips & quotes right to your Facebook page, just hit Like on my FB
I'm here to help inspire you, motivate you and help you reach your fitness goals whether it's to lose weight, gain weight or train for a sport.
I can help you reach your goals & train you in the comfort of your home with my online training system. Affordable. If you are interested in being trained by me with my online training program or want more info, visit my site at and use the email link there. I hope to hear from you!
Monday, January 16, 2012
Twitter topic of the day: Do you let your past thinking hold you down?
This post is from my twitter daily tips / topic of the day. Follow me on Twitter @ezhomefitness
My #questionoftheday is do you let your past thinking hold you down?
Too many people let their past thinking hold them down. Unfortunately, its that thinking that is holding back their progress. They keep thinking that they failed at a diet in the past so why bother trying now? WRONG attitude! Wrong approach to what you want. Instead take the lessons learned from your prior failed attempt and apply it towards your new attempt. It's a constant learning process. While all diets will work to some extent, they must all be fine-tuned towards your own metabolism, height, weight, preferences, etc. Get yourself ahead of the game and go into a diet program that has the foods that you will enjoy eating so you won't fall off the diet. Proper planning and mental preparation is key when dieting. Plan your meals ahead of time and know what you will be eating. Then get tunnel focus on your diet and go for it. Dieting is a mental game. Always keep your end goal in mind. Don't forget to exercise! Dieting without exercise will only get you halfway and vice versa! Dieting is tough but you are tougher. Go conquer that diet. New year, new you!
#Quote of the day: True enjoyment comes from activity of the mind and exercise of the body; the two are ever united. - Humboldt
Get my daily tips & quotes right to your Facebook page, just hit Like on my FB
I'm here to help inspire you, motivate you and help you reach your fitness goals whether it's to lose weight, gain weight or train for a sport.
I can help you reach your goals & train you in the comfort of your home with my online training system. Affordable. If you are interested in being trained by me with my online training program or want more info, visit my site at and use the email link there. I hope to hear from you!
My #questionoftheday is do you let your past thinking hold you down?
Too many people let their past thinking hold them down. Unfortunately, its that thinking that is holding back their progress. They keep thinking that they failed at a diet in the past so why bother trying now? WRONG attitude! Wrong approach to what you want. Instead take the lessons learned from your prior failed attempt and apply it towards your new attempt. It's a constant learning process. While all diets will work to some extent, they must all be fine-tuned towards your own metabolism, height, weight, preferences, etc. Get yourself ahead of the game and go into a diet program that has the foods that you will enjoy eating so you won't fall off the diet. Proper planning and mental preparation is key when dieting. Plan your meals ahead of time and know what you will be eating. Then get tunnel focus on your diet and go for it. Dieting is a mental game. Always keep your end goal in mind. Don't forget to exercise! Dieting without exercise will only get you halfway and vice versa! Dieting is tough but you are tougher. Go conquer that diet. New year, new you!
#Quote of the day: True enjoyment comes from activity of the mind and exercise of the body; the two are ever united. - Humboldt
Get my daily tips & quotes right to your Facebook page, just hit Like on my FB
I'm here to help inspire you, motivate you and help you reach your fitness goals whether it's to lose weight, gain weight or train for a sport.
I can help you reach your goals & train you in the comfort of your home with my online training system. Affordable. If you are interested in being trained by me with my online training program or want more info, visit my site at and use the email link there. I hope to hear from you!
Friday, January 13, 2012
Twitter Q&A
This post is from my twitter daily tips / topic of the day. Follow me on Twitter @ezhomefitness
Today is Friday so that means... {drumroll} IT'S Q&A FRIDAY!!!! So go ahead and ask me your #diet & #exercise questions!
Q: What is the best breakfast food? A: Oatmeal using steel cut oats.
Q: We tried a twitter group for weight loss, diary of what we ate, and exercise. Why didn't it work? 2 of us aren't motivated. A: You need someone in your group who knows what to do when plateaus are reached and how to push unmotivated individuals.
Q: I've already broken my resolution. What do I do now? Feel like a failure. A: Start again. Don't just lay down and quit. Get back at it!
Q: If almonds are good for u, why can't I have more thn a handful? A: Almonds are good fat but they are fat so u want to eat in moderation.
Q: How do I prevent a cold this winter? A: Adults should take preventative supplements- D (1000iu), C (1000-2000mg) and Zinc (10-15mg) daily. Also, make sure you wash your hands often! Exercise also greatly boosts your immune system.
Get my daily tips & quotes right to your Facebook page, just hit Like on my FB
I'm here to help inspire you, motivate you and help you reach your fitness goals whether it's to lose weight, gain weight or train for a sport.
I can help you reach your goals & train you in the comfort of your home with my online training system. Affordable. If you are interested in being trained by me with my online training program or want more info, visit my site at and use the email link there. I hope to hear from you!
Today is Friday so that means... {drumroll} IT'S Q&A FRIDAY!!!! So go ahead and ask me your #diet & #exercise questions!
Q: What is the best breakfast food? A: Oatmeal using steel cut oats.
Q: We tried a twitter group for weight loss, diary of what we ate, and exercise. Why didn't it work? 2 of us aren't motivated. A: You need someone in your group who knows what to do when plateaus are reached and how to push unmotivated individuals.
Q: I've already broken my resolution. What do I do now? Feel like a failure. A: Start again. Don't just lay down and quit. Get back at it!
Q: If almonds are good for u, why can't I have more thn a handful? A: Almonds are good fat but they are fat so u want to eat in moderation.
Q: How do I prevent a cold this winter? A: Adults should take preventative supplements- D (1000iu), C (1000-2000mg) and Zinc (10-15mg) daily. Also, make sure you wash your hands often! Exercise also greatly boosts your immune system.
Get my daily tips & quotes right to your Facebook page, just hit Like on my FB
I'm here to help inspire you, motivate you and help you reach your fitness goals whether it's to lose weight, gain weight or train for a sport.
I can help you reach your goals & train you in the comfort of your home with my online training system. Affordable. If you are interested in being trained by me with my online training program or want more info, visit my site at and use the email link there. I hope to hear from you!
Sunday, January 1, 2012
It's that time of year to make those pesky resolutions!
"Energy and persistence conquer all things."
~ Benjamin Franklin
This is my annual New Year's post (originally posted in January 2010 but since it's that time of year for resolutions it bears repeating.) Read on...
It's that annual time of year that some of us dread, some of us look forward to and there's even those of us that don't bother with it - New Year's Resolutions time! All together now! Whoohoo! Groan! Mutter. Mutter.
Most of us have been guilty of all 3 behaviors. We make resolutions and don't follow them or break them weeks, months and for some - days or even hours later! It all starts with good intentions but we know the road to hell is sometimes paved with good intentions. Intentions followed by inaction will just lead to that all familiar road of frustration and disappointment that led us to doing the resolution in the first place! It's a good thing to set resolutions (goals), it gives you a roadmap to fixing a bad habit, character/personality flaw, etc. that you are probably more aware of than you'd like to admit. Setting a goal helps you face the thing that you need to fix and helps focus you on what steps you need to do to reach your goal. The problems a lot of people make is setting too big of a goal or setting them in too short or long of a timeframe. When setting a goal, its important to make small attainable goals that take you where you want to be. These smaller goals not only give you easier goals to reach for but also gives you small successes along the way to your overall goal. This progressive way of reaching your goals is efficient, motivating and best of all, seems rather simple. Sometimes simple is better.
So, lets say instead of saying that your goal is to lose 30 pounds this year, say that you want to lose 30 pounds this year and that you will lose 2.5 pounds a month to get there. With saying that you only want to lose 30 pounds, you're leaving the time-frame too open-ended since you are giving yourself a whole year to reach that goal. What will most do? You got it, put it off. Next thing they know, its November and it's too late with all that good holiday food ahead. So, you tell yourself "too late now, might as well start with the new year! That'll be my new year's resolution!". And so the cycle of frustration and disappointment continues and the clock ticks away. Sound familiar? Telling yourself you only have to lose 2.5 pounds a month sure sounds attainable doesn't it? Guess what? After 12 months, you'll have reached your 30 pound weight loss goal! ;)
Now repeat after me - I will set my goals but this time I will make small attainable goals to reach my bigger goal! I will get to where I want to be. I will because I have the roadmap and that gives me confidence that I will do it. Nothing will stop me from changing what I want to change and achieving what I want to achieve.
I'm proud of you. I have a good feeling that you will do what you need to do. Whenever you need a reminder or a motivation boost, come visit and read this entry. It'll be here waiting to motivate you all year long. :)
Get my daily tips & quotes right to your Facebook page, just hit Like on my FB
I'm here to help inspire you, motivate you and help you reach your fitness goals whether it's to lose weight, gain weight or train for a sport.
I can help you reach your goals & train you in the comfort of your home with my online training system. Affordable. If you are interested in being trained by me with my online training program or want more info, visit my site at and use the email link there. I hope to hear from you!
~ Benjamin Franklin
This is my annual New Year's post (originally posted in January 2010 but since it's that time of year for resolutions it bears repeating.) Read on...
It's that annual time of year that some of us dread, some of us look forward to and there's even those of us that don't bother with it - New Year's Resolutions time! All together now! Whoohoo! Groan! Mutter. Mutter.
Most of us have been guilty of all 3 behaviors. We make resolutions and don't follow them or break them weeks, months and for some - days or even hours later! It all starts with good intentions but we know the road to hell is sometimes paved with good intentions. Intentions followed by inaction will just lead to that all familiar road of frustration and disappointment that led us to doing the resolution in the first place! It's a good thing to set resolutions (goals), it gives you a roadmap to fixing a bad habit, character/personality flaw, etc. that you are probably more aware of than you'd like to admit. Setting a goal helps you face the thing that you need to fix and helps focus you on what steps you need to do to reach your goal. The problems a lot of people make is setting too big of a goal or setting them in too short or long of a timeframe. When setting a goal, its important to make small attainable goals that take you where you want to be. These smaller goals not only give you easier goals to reach for but also gives you small successes along the way to your overall goal. This progressive way of reaching your goals is efficient, motivating and best of all, seems rather simple. Sometimes simple is better.
So, lets say instead of saying that your goal is to lose 30 pounds this year, say that you want to lose 30 pounds this year and that you will lose 2.5 pounds a month to get there. With saying that you only want to lose 30 pounds, you're leaving the time-frame too open-ended since you are giving yourself a whole year to reach that goal. What will most do? You got it, put it off. Next thing they know, its November and it's too late with all that good holiday food ahead. So, you tell yourself "too late now, might as well start with the new year! That'll be my new year's resolution!". And so the cycle of frustration and disappointment continues and the clock ticks away. Sound familiar? Telling yourself you only have to lose 2.5 pounds a month sure sounds attainable doesn't it? Guess what? After 12 months, you'll have reached your 30 pound weight loss goal! ;)
Now repeat after me - I will set my goals but this time I will make small attainable goals to reach my bigger goal! I will get to where I want to be. I will because I have the roadmap and that gives me confidence that I will do it. Nothing will stop me from changing what I want to change and achieving what I want to achieve.
I'm proud of you. I have a good feeling that you will do what you need to do. Whenever you need a reminder or a motivation boost, come visit and read this entry. It'll be here waiting to motivate you all year long. :)
Get my daily tips & quotes right to your Facebook page, just hit Like on my FB
I'm here to help inspire you, motivate you and help you reach your fitness goals whether it's to lose weight, gain weight or train for a sport.
I can help you reach your goals & train you in the comfort of your home with my online training system. Affordable. If you are interested in being trained by me with my online training program or want more info, visit my site at and use the email link there. I hope to hear from you!
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