Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Twitter topic of the day: How much effort do you honestly give to your workouts?

This post is from my twitter daily tips / topic of the day. Follow me on Twitter @ezhomefitness

My #questionoftheday is how much effort do you honestly give to your workouts?

How much effort to put into a workout? Go at a moderate pace? Go hardcore? Depends on your goals but always give 100%! If you are low on energy or sick then probably your 100% for that day will only be about 50-75% of what you normally would do but that's ok. For that day, that is your 100%. But if you have the energy and are taking the time to dedicate to your workout session for the day then go all in and give your 100%. Half assed exercise will yield half assed results... IF you're lucky! You are already there to do exercise so DO IT! Don't give 25%, 50% or even 90%. Go for it and set a new standard for yourself. Exercise time is not the time to go easy on yourself. You probably do enough of that, don't you? So hit those exercises hard. #realtalk Not having energy or time is not enough of a reason. You can always find energy and time if you want something bad enough. I would think wanting better health and feeling more fit and healthy is enough reason! Sick of being sick and tired, do something about it! Don't use the excuses that got you where you are at now, to not better yourself or you'll find yourself in the same place, year after year. Hit your exercise routines with 100% effort. Exercises programs don't fail people, people fail people. #realtalk You have to give your exercises 100% to get maximum benefit out of them. Help your heart, lungs, joints now... don't wait till it's too late. Get out there and do your exercise and stop with the 0-99% effort, go 100% effort always! Give your best to achieve your best. You CAN do it.

Quote of the day: Physical fitness can neither be achieved by wishful thinking nor outright purchase. - Joseph Pilates

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