This post is from my twitter daily tips / topic of the day. Follow me on Twitter @ezhomefitness
It's been a week since my daily tips due to the holiday, so I'm making today a Q&A day!
Q: How do I make my love handles disappear? A: You have to reduce overall fat. That is a place the body stores it so it will be stubborn fat
Q: What's the best supplement to take? A: Protein! Build & feed your muscles and your muscle will help you burn fat.
Q: Can you help me lose weight? A: I sure can! Direct message me for more info on my personalized online training.
Q: I hurt my back, how can I get it stronger? A: Make sure to properly warm up your back area before exercise. Do core & ab exercises, yoga.
Q: I have dinky calves, how can I get them bigger? A: Genetics are a factor but for size do standing & seated calf raises. Hi reps (20-25).
Q: How long does soreness last? A: Post-workout soreness last for a day or two depending on how hard the workout was. Work through it!
#Quote of the day: The men who try to do something and fail are infinitely better than those who try to do nothing and succeed - Lloyd Jones
Get my daily tips & quotes right to your Facebook page, just hit Like on my FB
I'm here to help inspire you, motivate you and help you reach your fitness goals whether it's to lose weight, gain weight or train for a sport.
I can help you reach your goals & train you in the comfort of your home with my online training system. Affordable. If you are interested in being trained by me with my online training program or want more info, visit my site at and use the email link there. I hope to hear from you!
Hi, my name is Mario! I'm a certified personal trainer & lifestyle coach who trains people in their homes and also through an innovative online training system. I train all ages. I am doing this blog as a way to reach more people that I can help to reach their goals. My blog will be full of motivational entries and I hope to inspire you to set and reach your fitness goals. For more about me visit
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Twitter topic of the day: Do you give up too easily?
This post is from my twitter daily tips / topic of the day. Follow me on Twitter @ezhomefitness
My #questionoftheday is: Do you give up too easily?
Most people want results yesterday, forget about today, they want instant results. How realistic is that? How long did it take to get into your body's present state? It stands to reason that it will take a bit to get your body used to activity and a new diet, let alone see results. But what happens? Most people go into their diets and workouts with highly unrealistic expectations. Recipe for failure! That will just feed your doubts, negative attitude and insecurities when nothing happens fast. Then what happens, you quit and for what? That will get you nowhere fast, make you lose any progress you had and make it harder to restart. Quitting is the worst thing you can do once you begin. Give your diet and exercise program a real chance to succeed! It takes time to put your house in order and even more time to gain and see momentum. You have to be consistent and patient. Diet and train consistently, day in and day out and you will see wonderful changes in your body & health. Don't quit before you have a chance to reap the rewards of your efforts. Give yourself a chance to see and feel the progress you are making, no matter how small. Even a little is better than nothing at all, correct? Little by little, you'll make great strides! Once you get yourself in the habit of being consistent and positive, you can increase the intensity for even more results! Don't be a quitter! Don't you dare quit on yourself. Your diet or exercise program won't fail you, only YOU can fail you! #realtalk Go get it now, stop giving up on what you want and go get that body you want!
#Quote of the day: Once you learn to quit, it becomes a habit. - Vince Lombardi
Get my daily tips & quotes right to your Facebook page, just hit Like on my FB
I'm here to help inspire you, motivate you and help you reach your fitness goals whether it's to lose weight, gain weight or train for a sport.
I can help you reach your goals & train you in the comfort of your home with my online training system. Affordable. If you are interested in being trained by me with my online training program or want more info, visit my site at and use the email link there. I hope to hear from you!
My #questionoftheday is: Do you give up too easily?
Most people want results yesterday, forget about today, they want instant results. How realistic is that? How long did it take to get into your body's present state? It stands to reason that it will take a bit to get your body used to activity and a new diet, let alone see results. But what happens? Most people go into their diets and workouts with highly unrealistic expectations. Recipe for failure! That will just feed your doubts, negative attitude and insecurities when nothing happens fast. Then what happens, you quit and for what? That will get you nowhere fast, make you lose any progress you had and make it harder to restart. Quitting is the worst thing you can do once you begin. Give your diet and exercise program a real chance to succeed! It takes time to put your house in order and even more time to gain and see momentum. You have to be consistent and patient. Diet and train consistently, day in and day out and you will see wonderful changes in your body & health. Don't quit before you have a chance to reap the rewards of your efforts. Give yourself a chance to see and feel the progress you are making, no matter how small. Even a little is better than nothing at all, correct? Little by little, you'll make great strides! Once you get yourself in the habit of being consistent and positive, you can increase the intensity for even more results! Don't be a quitter! Don't you dare quit on yourself. Your diet or exercise program won't fail you, only YOU can fail you! #realtalk Go get it now, stop giving up on what you want and go get that body you want!
#Quote of the day: Once you learn to quit, it becomes a habit. - Vince Lombardi
Get my daily tips & quotes right to your Facebook page, just hit Like on my FB
I'm here to help inspire you, motivate you and help you reach your fitness goals whether it's to lose weight, gain weight or train for a sport.
I can help you reach your goals & train you in the comfort of your home with my online training system. Affordable. If you are interested in being trained by me with my online training program or want more info, visit my site at and use the email link there. I hope to hear from you!
Monday, November 21, 2011
Twitter topic of the day: Do you know how to get rid of that one problem spot on your body?
This post is from my twitter daily tips / topic of the day. Follow me on Twitter @ezhomefitness
My #questionoftheday is: Do you know how to get rid of that one problem spot on your body?
We all have that one problem spot on our bodies. That one spot where fat never seems to want to leave. I'm here to give you some info on what to do, what to expect and what won't work. Love handles, hips, belly, thighs- the main areas where fat stores in men's & women's bodies. It seems to never go away no matter what you do. What to do? Spot reducing is a myth. No such thing. Exercising that one area will tighten the muscles underneath but do little to reduce the fat there. Forget pills, that's another myth. Reducing fat is an overall process and to remove it from a problem spot takes dedication. Here's why: your body genetically stores fat in pre-determined areas. That means it will hold onto it there. Even when you diet, it will still be there and will be the last place you will lose fat. BUT, you can lose it if you are persistent in your dieting & exercise efforts. Your problem area is where your fat is stored first and where you will lose it last. So, you may notice that you are losing fat elsewhere on your body but that one problem spot is still there. Keep attacking your diet and exercise and you will see your body finally begin to lose the fat stores there. At this point, you will have lost much fat and inches throughout the rest of your body but don't stop till you hit those fat stores too. Remember, slack off on your diet and your body will look to restore its fat store right back into the problem area. Attack it, stay on top of it. You CAN do it. Kiss that problem area goodbye!
#Quote of the day: No matter who you are, no matter what you do, you absolutely, positively do have the power to change. - Bill Phillips
Get my daily tips & quotes right to your Facebook page, just hit Like on my FB
I'm here to help inspire you, motivate you and help you reach your fitness goals whether it's to lose weight, gain weight or train for a sport.
I can help you reach your goals & train you in the comfort of your home with my online training system. Affordable. If you are interested in being trained by me with my online training program or want more info, visit my site at and use the email link there. I hope to hear from you!
My #questionoftheday is: Do you know how to get rid of that one problem spot on your body?
We all have that one problem spot on our bodies. That one spot where fat never seems to want to leave. I'm here to give you some info on what to do, what to expect and what won't work. Love handles, hips, belly, thighs- the main areas where fat stores in men's & women's bodies. It seems to never go away no matter what you do. What to do? Spot reducing is a myth. No such thing. Exercising that one area will tighten the muscles underneath but do little to reduce the fat there. Forget pills, that's another myth. Reducing fat is an overall process and to remove it from a problem spot takes dedication. Here's why: your body genetically stores fat in pre-determined areas. That means it will hold onto it there. Even when you diet, it will still be there and will be the last place you will lose fat. BUT, you can lose it if you are persistent in your dieting & exercise efforts. Your problem area is where your fat is stored first and where you will lose it last. So, you may notice that you are losing fat elsewhere on your body but that one problem spot is still there. Keep attacking your diet and exercise and you will see your body finally begin to lose the fat stores there. At this point, you will have lost much fat and inches throughout the rest of your body but don't stop till you hit those fat stores too. Remember, slack off on your diet and your body will look to restore its fat store right back into the problem area. Attack it, stay on top of it. You CAN do it. Kiss that problem area goodbye!
#Quote of the day: No matter who you are, no matter what you do, you absolutely, positively do have the power to change. - Bill Phillips
Get my daily tips & quotes right to your Facebook page, just hit Like on my FB
I'm here to help inspire you, motivate you and help you reach your fitness goals whether it's to lose weight, gain weight or train for a sport.
I can help you reach your goals & train you in the comfort of your home with my online training system. Affordable. If you are interested in being trained by me with my online training program or want more info, visit my site at and use the email link there. I hope to hear from you!
Friday, November 18, 2011
Twitter Q&A
This post is from my twitter daily tips / topic of the day. Follow me on Twitter @ezhomefitness
It's Friday so you know what that means, it's Q&A Friday! Ask me your #diet & #exercise questions!
Q: What is a good breakfast food? A: Steel cut oatmeal is as good as it gets for complex carbs & fiber. Egg whites for protein.
Q: I have been exercising for 2 weeks and haven't seen any results? A: You have to give it more time, there is progress going on. Your body is getting stronger and more fit. Keep at it and you will see results. Be patient. Increase your intensity.
Q: How do I get rid of my saggy arms? A: Tighten up your diet. Work triceps with weights and do hi reps.
Q: Should I take a multi-vitamin? A: YES! It will help supplement any deficiencies in your diet.
Q: Weight is coming off everywhere but my butt, what can I do? A: Keep working hard with your diet & exercise. Everyone has an area on their body where they store fat first & that will also be the last area to give it up. Just keep at it & it will go.
Q: My child is obese, what can I do? A: To start... change his/her diet to healthier foods. Have your child get more active.
#Quote of the day: If you're headed in the wrong direction, God allows U-turns. - unknown
Get my daily tips & quotes right to your Facebook page, just hit Like on my FB
I'm here to help inspire you, motivate you and help you reach your fitness goals whether it's to lose weight, gain weight or train for a sport.
I can help you reach your goals & train you in the comfort of your home with my online training system. Affordable. If you are interested in being trained by me with my online training program or want more info, visit my site at and use the email link there. I hope to hear from you!
It's Friday so you know what that means, it's Q&A Friday! Ask me your #diet & #exercise questions!
Q: What is a good breakfast food? A: Steel cut oatmeal is as good as it gets for complex carbs & fiber. Egg whites for protein.
Q: I have been exercising for 2 weeks and haven't seen any results? A: You have to give it more time, there is progress going on. Your body is getting stronger and more fit. Keep at it and you will see results. Be patient. Increase your intensity.
Q: How do I get rid of my saggy arms? A: Tighten up your diet. Work triceps with weights and do hi reps.
Q: Should I take a multi-vitamin? A: YES! It will help supplement any deficiencies in your diet.
Q: Weight is coming off everywhere but my butt, what can I do? A: Keep working hard with your diet & exercise. Everyone has an area on their body where they store fat first & that will also be the last area to give it up. Just keep at it & it will go.
Q: My child is obese, what can I do? A: To start... change his/her diet to healthier foods. Have your child get more active.
#Quote of the day: If you're headed in the wrong direction, God allows U-turns. - unknown
Get my daily tips & quotes right to your Facebook page, just hit Like on my FB
I'm here to help inspire you, motivate you and help you reach your fitness goals whether it's to lose weight, gain weight or train for a sport.
I can help you reach your goals & train you in the comfort of your home with my online training system. Affordable. If you are interested in being trained by me with my online training program or want more info, visit my site at and use the email link there. I hope to hear from you!
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Twitter topic of the day: Do you let your past mindset hold you back?
This post is from my twitter daily tips / topic of the day. Follow me on Twitter @ezhomefitness
My #questionoftheday is: Do you let your past mindset hold you back?
Do you allow your past mindset to rule your life? For most of you, you'll think what is he talking about? That isn't me! But oh it is! You tried to do a diet and failed or didn't see the results you wanted. So what happened, you haven't bothered to try again. Same for exercising. You expected overnight results as if that's how it's supposed to work and when you didn't see results, you gave up. Sure, you'll try to diet & exercise here and there but in the back of your mind, you aren't fully committed. Your past results formulated your mindset and what you think when it comes to diet & exercise. You have to wipe out that past mindset because its holding you back. It isn't allowing you to give a new try at dieting and exercising a real chance at success. You have to take every attempt at dieting and exercising as a whole new experience. use it to see what works and what doesn't. Different factors (stress, age, energy, your health) will affect how your body responds each time. You won't always get the same results so you have to take each attempt as its own and go from there. That means take what you've learned from the past and apply the positive things, discard the negative. Keep an open mind to learning anew with each new attempt. Don't limit or restrict yourself to past thoughts or obstacles, live in the here and now. Past you has no bearing on present you. Present you has goals to achieve and will go for it. Don't let your past mindset hold you back. Change your mindset and go get that body and health you've been wanting. You CAN do it. That's what you need to focus on. What you CAN do right now. In the present. Now. Today. Go get it!
#Quote of the day: Life is not the sum of what we have been, but what we yearn to be. - Jose Ortega Y Gasset
I'm here to help inspire you, motivate you and help you reach your fitness goals whether it's to lose weight, gain weight or train for a sport.
I can help you reach your goals & train you in the comfort of your home with my online training system. Affordable. If you are interested in being trained by me with my online training program or want more info, visit my site at and use the email link there. I hope to hear from you!
My #questionoftheday is: Do you let your past mindset hold you back?
Do you allow your past mindset to rule your life? For most of you, you'll think what is he talking about? That isn't me! But oh it is! You tried to do a diet and failed or didn't see the results you wanted. So what happened, you haven't bothered to try again. Same for exercising. You expected overnight results as if that's how it's supposed to work and when you didn't see results, you gave up. Sure, you'll try to diet & exercise here and there but in the back of your mind, you aren't fully committed. Your past results formulated your mindset and what you think when it comes to diet & exercise. You have to wipe out that past mindset because its holding you back. It isn't allowing you to give a new try at dieting and exercising a real chance at success. You have to take every attempt at dieting and exercising as a whole new experience. use it to see what works and what doesn't. Different factors (stress, age, energy, your health) will affect how your body responds each time. You won't always get the same results so you have to take each attempt as its own and go from there. That means take what you've learned from the past and apply the positive things, discard the negative. Keep an open mind to learning anew with each new attempt. Don't limit or restrict yourself to past thoughts or obstacles, live in the here and now. Past you has no bearing on present you. Present you has goals to achieve and will go for it. Don't let your past mindset hold you back. Change your mindset and go get that body and health you've been wanting. You CAN do it. That's what you need to focus on. What you CAN do right now. In the present. Now. Today. Go get it!
#Quote of the day: Life is not the sum of what we have been, but what we yearn to be. - Jose Ortega Y Gasset
I'm here to help inspire you, motivate you and help you reach your fitness goals whether it's to lose weight, gain weight or train for a sport.
I can help you reach your goals & train you in the comfort of your home with my online training system. Affordable. If you are interested in being trained by me with my online training program or want more info, visit my site at and use the email link there. I hope to hear from you!
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Twitter topic of the day: Do you think and dream about a future of a fitter you?
This post is from my twitter daily tips / topic of the day. Follow me on Twitter @ezhomefitness
My #questionoftheday is: Do you think and dream about a future of a fitter you?
Dreams... they can be an important part of your fitness goal. Whether you want to lose weight, gain weight or be better at a sport. Visualizing where you eventually want to be can be a motivator. Visualizing can help you achieve your goals. Visualize that you will fit into that shirt or dress. Visualize what you need to do to get there. Then here's the most important part... put it into action! Act out your visualization. Even while you are dieting and exercising, keep the visualization going. You must convince your mind that what you want is achievable. Your mind is the biggest obstacle in achieving your goals so you can see how key visualizing can be. It's one of the biggest keys to success of successful people. Dream it, think it, believe it, act upon it, achieve it. It's a simple formula that is easier said than done but it does work. Best of all, it costs you nothing but that which you already are kinda sorta doing already. Just kick it up a notch or 2 or 3! Dreams + action = results! Work on your visualizing, it takes seconds. You can schedule time for it on your way to work, while you shower, getting ready for bed. There is plenty of time to do it. No excuses. Visualize before, during and after exercise. Focus on what you want and don't stop. You won't believe your results.
#Quote of the day: The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams. - Eleanor Roosevelt
I'm here to help inspire you, motivate you and help you reach your fitness goals whether it's to lose weight, gain weight or train for a sport.
I can help you reach your goals & train you in the comfort of your home with my online training system. Affordable. If you are interested in being trained by me with my online training program or want more info, visit my site at and use the email link there. I hope to hear from you!
My #questionoftheday is: Do you think and dream about a future of a fitter you?
Dreams... they can be an important part of your fitness goal. Whether you want to lose weight, gain weight or be better at a sport. Visualizing where you eventually want to be can be a motivator. Visualizing can help you achieve your goals. Visualize that you will fit into that shirt or dress. Visualize what you need to do to get there. Then here's the most important part... put it into action! Act out your visualization. Even while you are dieting and exercising, keep the visualization going. You must convince your mind that what you want is achievable. Your mind is the biggest obstacle in achieving your goals so you can see how key visualizing can be. It's one of the biggest keys to success of successful people. Dream it, think it, believe it, act upon it, achieve it. It's a simple formula that is easier said than done but it does work. Best of all, it costs you nothing but that which you already are kinda sorta doing already. Just kick it up a notch or 2 or 3! Dreams + action = results! Work on your visualizing, it takes seconds. You can schedule time for it on your way to work, while you shower, getting ready for bed. There is plenty of time to do it. No excuses. Visualize before, during and after exercise. Focus on what you want and don't stop. You won't believe your results.
#Quote of the day: The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams. - Eleanor Roosevelt
I'm here to help inspire you, motivate you and help you reach your fitness goals whether it's to lose weight, gain weight or train for a sport.
I can help you reach your goals & train you in the comfort of your home with my online training system. Affordable. If you are interested in being trained by me with my online training program or want more info, visit my site at and use the email link there. I hope to hear from you!
Monday, November 14, 2011
Twitter Q&A
I'm here to help inspire you, motivate you and help you reach your fitness goals whether it's to lose weight, gain weight or train for a sport.
I can help you reach your goals & train you in the comfort of your home with my online training system. Affordable. If you are interested in being trained by me with my online training program or want more info, visit my site at and use the email link there. I hope to hear from you!
This post is from my twitter daily tips / topic of the day. Follow me on Twitter @ezhomefitness
I wasn't on Friday so I didn't do my weekly Q&A so you'll get 2 this week! {cue the applause} Ask me your #diet & #exercise questions!
Q: Is it better to jog outside or on a treadmill? A: It depends on you. Either works. Some like the outdoors. Indoors you have a constancy.
Q: Is cleaning the house good for calorie burning? A: While u do burn some calories, unless you're moving things you won't burn much. But any activity is preferable to sitting on a couch doing nothing! So get active and clean away! ;)
Q: What is the best vegetable to eat? A: Rule of thumb- the darker the greens or color-rich the vegetable is, the more nutritious it is!
Q: Will I burn calories while studying? A: Only if you are extremely stressed & pace the whole time you are studying! Mental calories! ;)
Q: I play basketball, what can I do to increase my jump? A: Plyometric training and leg training.
Q: How do I get rid of the tummy pudge? A: Tighten your diet, especially carbs. Be consistent with diet & cardio. Belly fat is stubborn fat.
Q: What is the worst thing to eat? A: Hi saturated fat foods. Foods with any -"ose" in the label (fructose, etc.).
Q: What exercise is best for my love handles? A: Love handles are better attacked through diet as they are a fat storage area.
#Quote of the day: To be upset over what you don't have is to waste what you do have. - Ken S. Keyes, Jr.
I can help you reach your goals & train you in the comfort of your home with my online training system. Affordable. If you are interested in being trained by me with my online training program or want more info, visit my site at and use the email link there. I hope to hear from you!
This post is from my twitter daily tips / topic of the day. Follow me on Twitter @ezhomefitness
I wasn't on Friday so I didn't do my weekly Q&A so you'll get 2 this week! {cue the applause} Ask me your #diet & #exercise questions!
Q: Is it better to jog outside or on a treadmill? A: It depends on you. Either works. Some like the outdoors. Indoors you have a constancy.
Q: Is cleaning the house good for calorie burning? A: While u do burn some calories, unless you're moving things you won't burn much. But any activity is preferable to sitting on a couch doing nothing! So get active and clean away! ;)
Q: What is the best vegetable to eat? A: Rule of thumb- the darker the greens or color-rich the vegetable is, the more nutritious it is!
Q: Will I burn calories while studying? A: Only if you are extremely stressed & pace the whole time you are studying! Mental calories! ;)
Q: I play basketball, what can I do to increase my jump? A: Plyometric training and leg training.
Q: How do I get rid of the tummy pudge? A: Tighten your diet, especially carbs. Be consistent with diet & cardio. Belly fat is stubborn fat.
Q: What is the worst thing to eat? A: Hi saturated fat foods. Foods with any -"ose" in the label (fructose, etc.).
Q: What exercise is best for my love handles? A: Love handles are better attacked through diet as they are a fat storage area.
#Quote of the day: To be upset over what you don't have is to waste what you do have. - Ken S. Keyes, Jr.
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Twitter topic of the day: What is your attitude towards being able to reach your weight loss goals?
This post is my twitter daily tips / topic of the day. Follow me on Twitter @ezhomefitness
My #questionoftheday is: What is your attitude towards being able to reach your weight loss goals?
A lot of people have attitudes towards achieving their goals that hold them back from results. A lot of people self-sabotage themselves with career goals and carry that over to their weight loss goals. Have you ever heard the phrase "attitude is everything"? You are and become what you think. If you have a negative attitude, then chances are nothing goes right for you. Or you're not happy when they do. This negative attitude affects your dieting & exercising results. If you look at dieting & exercising in a negative way as work, then you are self-sabotaging. You are already building obstacles to your own progress. You have to change this self-sabotaging negative mindset to achieve your goals! You may already have other negative factors such as lack of support, self-image/self-confidence issues, why add to it? You have to get out of your own way to let the you that you want to be to come out! Erase the negativity in your thinking and you will see dramatic results! Positivity attracts positivity! Drop the negativity and think that you CAN do it. Look at diet & exercise not as work or a chore but as the means to achieving your goals! You have to look at it as the sacrifice being totally worth it! You ARE totally worth it so the sacrifice is worth it as well. Change your mindset, change your world. Go after the body of your dreams and make it a reality! You CAN do it! I KNOW you can! Now convince yourself you CAN too and go get it!
#Quote of the day: Once you replace negative thoughts with positive ones, you'll start having positive results. - Willie Nelson
My #questionoftheday is: What is your attitude towards being able to reach your weight loss goals?
A lot of people have attitudes towards achieving their goals that hold them back from results. A lot of people self-sabotage themselves with career goals and carry that over to their weight loss goals. Have you ever heard the phrase "attitude is everything"? You are and become what you think. If you have a negative attitude, then chances are nothing goes right for you. Or you're not happy when they do. This negative attitude affects your dieting & exercising results. If you look at dieting & exercising in a negative way as work, then you are self-sabotaging. You are already building obstacles to your own progress. You have to change this self-sabotaging negative mindset to achieve your goals! You may already have other negative factors such as lack of support, self-image/self-confidence issues, why add to it? You have to get out of your own way to let the you that you want to be to come out! Erase the negativity in your thinking and you will see dramatic results! Positivity attracts positivity! Drop the negativity and think that you CAN do it. Look at diet & exercise not as work or a chore but as the means to achieving your goals! You have to look at it as the sacrifice being totally worth it! You ARE totally worth it so the sacrifice is worth it as well. Change your mindset, change your world. Go after the body of your dreams and make it a reality! You CAN do it! I KNOW you can! Now convince yourself you CAN too and go get it!
#Quote of the day: Once you replace negative thoughts with positive ones, you'll start having positive results. - Willie Nelson
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Twitter topic of the day: Do you take daily steps in your weight loss journey towards your goals?
This post is my twitter daily tips / topic of the day. Follow me on Twitter @ezhomefitness
My #questionoftheday is: do you take daily steps in your weight loss journey towards your goals?
Losing weight (and gaining weight as well) is a consistent, daily pursuit. For most it's a struggle especially following through on a daily basis. But it must be a daily habit, a daily struggle. You have to attack it every day through diet & exercise. One day of regression or inaction is a day where your body will try to regain its' weight. The body has a mechanism that once it is at a weight for a while, (a mean weight), then it will resist change. This means that for you to break out of that weight zone, you will have to force the body to do so through diet & exercise. You can't slack off either because the body will try to get it back to the mean weight if you let it. This is why people fail at diets. They slack off and the body goes back into trying to get back to its mean weight. The body will also over-compensate in trying to regain its men weight. This is why a lot of people regain their weight after stopping a diet and also wind up gaining more pounds. So, how to combat this vicious cycle? First off, be consistent once you begin your diet & exercise program. Then once you get to the weight you wish to be, you must go into dieting & exercise maintenance mode. This will avoid the body trying to regain its former mean weight while you establish a new mean weight. Remember, the body must be in this new mean weight for a while before it sets it as the new mean weight. It's up to you and how consistent you can be. You have to be in it DAILY to achieve what you want. You CAN do it.
#Quote of the day: Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined. - Henry David Thoreau
My #questionoftheday is: do you take daily steps in your weight loss journey towards your goals?
Losing weight (and gaining weight as well) is a consistent, daily pursuit. For most it's a struggle especially following through on a daily basis. But it must be a daily habit, a daily struggle. You have to attack it every day through diet & exercise. One day of regression or inaction is a day where your body will try to regain its' weight. The body has a mechanism that once it is at a weight for a while, (a mean weight), then it will resist change. This means that for you to break out of that weight zone, you will have to force the body to do so through diet & exercise. You can't slack off either because the body will try to get it back to the mean weight if you let it. This is why people fail at diets. They slack off and the body goes back into trying to get back to its mean weight. The body will also over-compensate in trying to regain its men weight. This is why a lot of people regain their weight after stopping a diet and also wind up gaining more pounds. So, how to combat this vicious cycle? First off, be consistent once you begin your diet & exercise program. Then once you get to the weight you wish to be, you must go into dieting & exercise maintenance mode. This will avoid the body trying to regain its former mean weight while you establish a new mean weight. Remember, the body must be in this new mean weight for a while before it sets it as the new mean weight. It's up to you and how consistent you can be. You have to be in it DAILY to achieve what you want. You CAN do it.
#Quote of the day: Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined. - Henry David Thoreau
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Twitter topic of the day: Do you know someone who has let their health get away from them?
This post is my twitter daily tips / topic of the day. Follow me on Twitter @ezhomefitness
My #questionoftheday is: do you know someone who has let their health get away from them?
Consider yourself lucky if you haven't seen a loved one lose their health. Most of us though have or are going through it or unfortunately will. Diabetes, heart disease, cancer, etc. - so many diseases that can be prevented with proper attention to exercise and diet. Of course, it can still happen to someone doing that but that would be mostly due to genetic factors. The fact is you can prevent this from happening to you. You can be your own doctor. You can be your own preventative medicine. Think of the time and money you can save from your future by investing in some sweat now. Your sweat equity will pay off in healthy dividends for your future. If you've seen someone lose their health, you know it is something that usually happens over time. The toxicity builds up in the body until it finally shows itself. By then though, sometimes its too late to do something about it! So why not do the best thing you can do for yourself now and for the future and get to exercising & dieting? A lifetime of healthy habits sure beats a shortened lifetime of bad habits and regrets, doesn't it? Don't wait until disease takes hold to decide to do something about it because by then it may be too late. Fighting disease and trying to exercise is much harder than just exercising now without it. The choice is easy. Get active. Get fit. Improve your health now.
#Quote of the day: Health is like money,we never have a true idea of its value until we lose it. - Josh Billings
My #questionoftheday is: do you know someone who has let their health get away from them?
Consider yourself lucky if you haven't seen a loved one lose their health. Most of us though have or are going through it or unfortunately will. Diabetes, heart disease, cancer, etc. - so many diseases that can be prevented with proper attention to exercise and diet. Of course, it can still happen to someone doing that but that would be mostly due to genetic factors. The fact is you can prevent this from happening to you. You can be your own doctor. You can be your own preventative medicine. Think of the time and money you can save from your future by investing in some sweat now. Your sweat equity will pay off in healthy dividends for your future. If you've seen someone lose their health, you know it is something that usually happens over time. The toxicity builds up in the body until it finally shows itself. By then though, sometimes its too late to do something about it! So why not do the best thing you can do for yourself now and for the future and get to exercising & dieting? A lifetime of healthy habits sure beats a shortened lifetime of bad habits and regrets, doesn't it? Don't wait until disease takes hold to decide to do something about it because by then it may be too late. Fighting disease and trying to exercise is much harder than just exercising now without it. The choice is easy. Get active. Get fit. Improve your health now.
#Quote of the day: Health is like money,we never have a true idea of its value until we lose it. - Josh Billings
Monday, November 7, 2011
Twitter topic of the day: Do you get sick easily or often?
My #questionoftheday is do you get sick easily or often?
With cold & flu season already underway, learning how to prevent sickness is probably something you should learn. Of course, there is the flu shot for those that need that extra protection. I myself have never had a flu shot and rarely get sick. I was a very sickly child and was always sick all winter long. As I got older my immune system built up and got stronger but I also helped it through exercise. Yes, exercise can build your immune system as you make your body stronger and more efficient. Your body will be more resistant to disease and quicker to recover and recuperate when you do get sick. As an adult, I rarely get sick and if I do it only lasts a day or so. I attack any cold or flu symptoms with Vitamin C and make sure to rest to not overtax your system. Overtaxing your nervous system while you're sick is the worst thing you can do as your body is already being hit hard. So make sure you take it easy when you do get sick. Does this mean lay off exercise? Yes, especially if your energy levels are low. Exercising is excellent preventative medicine. But after you are sick you want to lay off hard exercise. At that point, you need to use your diet to help you recover. Vitamin C is a great anti-oxidant to take while you are sick. Vitamin D3 and Zinc are good supplements to take all the time to prevent getting sick. You can be the doctor to your body's ills with just some time investment in your diet & exercise program. The time you invest in your health is a better time investment than the time you will lose being sick, no? Take the time to take care of yourself now so a doctor doesn't have to do it for you later.
#Quote of the day: Those who do not find time for exercise will have to find time for illness. - Earl of Derby
With cold & flu season already underway, learning how to prevent sickness is probably something you should learn. Of course, there is the flu shot for those that need that extra protection. I myself have never had a flu shot and rarely get sick. I was a very sickly child and was always sick all winter long. As I got older my immune system built up and got stronger but I also helped it through exercise. Yes, exercise can build your immune system as you make your body stronger and more efficient. Your body will be more resistant to disease and quicker to recover and recuperate when you do get sick. As an adult, I rarely get sick and if I do it only lasts a day or so. I attack any cold or flu symptoms with Vitamin C and make sure to rest to not overtax your system. Overtaxing your nervous system while you're sick is the worst thing you can do as your body is already being hit hard. So make sure you take it easy when you do get sick. Does this mean lay off exercise? Yes, especially if your energy levels are low. Exercising is excellent preventative medicine. But after you are sick you want to lay off hard exercise. At that point, you need to use your diet to help you recover. Vitamin C is a great anti-oxidant to take while you are sick. Vitamin D3 and Zinc are good supplements to take all the time to prevent getting sick. You can be the doctor to your body's ills with just some time investment in your diet & exercise program. The time you invest in your health is a better time investment than the time you will lose being sick, no? Take the time to take care of yourself now so a doctor doesn't have to do it for you later.
#Quote of the day: Those who do not find time for exercise will have to find time for illness. - Earl of Derby
Friday, November 4, 2011
Twitter Q&A
This post is my twitter daily tips / topic of the day. Follow me on Twitter @ezhomefitness
Today is Q&A Friday! So ask me your #diet & #exercise questions!
Q: Jogging hurts my knees, what other cardio can I do? A: Do low impact cardio such as stationary bicycle, swimming, elliptical, etc.
Q: How can I get rid of my post-pregnancy fat? A: The usual way - strict diet, cardio & weights. Work hard and be consistent.
Q: I get winded just going up stairs, how can I do cardio? A: By starting slow, start with 15 minutes/slow pace & slowly add time/intensity
Q: Do I need to do weights to exercise? A: If you want to firm & tone your muscles then you need to add resistance to your exercises. It doesn't have to be dumbbells & barbells. You can also use bands, ankle weights, hand weights, pilates balls, kettlebells, medicine balls.
Q: How long should I exercise each day? A: At least 30 min 4-5 days a week will give you benefits. Adjust your training to your goals.
Q: Is dancing cardio? A: If depends - if you do it for at least 30 minutes, it makes you sweat and breathe hard, then yes! ;)
Q: How much carbs should be taken on 1700cal diet if trying to lose weight? A: Depends on the diet & what stage of it you are on. For this 1700 cal example I will use a starting diet of 50%Carbs/30%protein/20%fat so carb calories would be 850 which = 212.5gms of carbs
Q: My diet worked at first but then I stopped having results, what happened? A: A diet needs constant adjustment as your weight changes.
#Quote of the day: Luck is what you have left over after you give 100 percent. - unknown
Today is Q&A Friday! So ask me your #diet & #exercise questions!
Q: Jogging hurts my knees, what other cardio can I do? A: Do low impact cardio such as stationary bicycle, swimming, elliptical, etc.
Q: How can I get rid of my post-pregnancy fat? A: The usual way - strict diet, cardio & weights. Work hard and be consistent.
Q: I get winded just going up stairs, how can I do cardio? A: By starting slow, start with 15 minutes/slow pace & slowly add time/intensity
Q: Do I need to do weights to exercise? A: If you want to firm & tone your muscles then you need to add resistance to your exercises. It doesn't have to be dumbbells & barbells. You can also use bands, ankle weights, hand weights, pilates balls, kettlebells, medicine balls.
Q: How long should I exercise each day? A: At least 30 min 4-5 days a week will give you benefits. Adjust your training to your goals.
Q: Is dancing cardio? A: If depends - if you do it for at least 30 minutes, it makes you sweat and breathe hard, then yes! ;)
Q: How much carbs should be taken on 1700cal diet if trying to lose weight? A: Depends on the diet & what stage of it you are on. For this 1700 cal example I will use a starting diet of 50%Carbs/30%protein/20%fat so carb calories would be 850 which = 212.5gms of carbs
Q: My diet worked at first but then I stopped having results, what happened? A: A diet needs constant adjustment as your weight changes.
#Quote of the day: Luck is what you have left over after you give 100 percent. - unknown
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Twitter topic of the day: What is your worst diet & exercise habit?
My #questionoftheday is: what is your worst diet & exercise habit?
I'm sure there are a ton of answers for this one. Eating too much. Eating late. Exercise here & there. Making excuses. Yup, those are all bad habits all right! BUT there are two bad dieting & exercise habits that are the worst! How can there be two that are the worst? Because the first is procrastinating so much that you never get started and the second is just as bad if you do get started and that's quitting! You've heard the phrase "quitters never win and winners never quit", right? There is profound truth to that. You have to go at your diet and exercise with a winner's mindset if you want to succeed! You have to want it, feel it, be it. You have to visualize what you want and then go do it. Starting and stopping because you don't see results fast enough is foolish & counter-productive. You have to invest the time and work to see the results. Are you truly giving it 100%? If not, then how are you expecting 100% results? You get what you put into it. Give your diet & exercise a half-assed try and expect half-assed results, if any. #realtalk Do not be a quitter and DO NOT quit on yourself! Quitting on yourself, that doesn't even sound right, does it? The good thing is that it's all within your control. So what are you going to do about it? GO GET IT and don't stop till you do.
#Quote of the day: Once you learn to quit, it becomes a habit. - Vince Lombardi
I'm sure there are a ton of answers for this one. Eating too much. Eating late. Exercise here & there. Making excuses. Yup, those are all bad habits all right! BUT there are two bad dieting & exercise habits that are the worst! How can there be two that are the worst? Because the first is procrastinating so much that you never get started and the second is just as bad if you do get started and that's quitting! You've heard the phrase "quitters never win and winners never quit", right? There is profound truth to that. You have to go at your diet and exercise with a winner's mindset if you want to succeed! You have to want it, feel it, be it. You have to visualize what you want and then go do it. Starting and stopping because you don't see results fast enough is foolish & counter-productive. You have to invest the time and work to see the results. Are you truly giving it 100%? If not, then how are you expecting 100% results? You get what you put into it. Give your diet & exercise a half-assed try and expect half-assed results, if any. #realtalk Do not be a quitter and DO NOT quit on yourself! Quitting on yourself, that doesn't even sound right, does it? The good thing is that it's all within your control. So what are you going to do about it? GO GET IT and don't stop till you do.
#Quote of the day: Once you learn to quit, it becomes a habit. - Vince Lombardi
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Twitter topic of the day: Why are you waiting to start with your diet & exercise?
My #questionoftheday is why are you waiting to start with your diet & exercise?
I'll start my diet tomorrow! I'll start exercising next week! Sound familiar? Tomorrow never actually comes because you're too busy putting it off! Why wait to get started? There are very few valid reasons! At this time of year it's even more important to get going with your diet & exercise. Once the holidays hit and the holiday food gets on your plate... all you will have is extra pounds with no dieting or exercising. AND the next thing you know it will be 2012 and you'll have lots more work to do! But you'll fix it, right? You'll make some new year's resolutions that you once again won't do. #realtalk It's a cycle that you have to break. You have to get on it before the food temptations of the holiday begin. Give yourself a fighting chance to succeed and get through the holidays with minimal damage & maybe even some progress. You CAN get through the holidays with minimal weight gain and even some positive steps forward. But you have to begin NOW. Don't wait on tomorrows that never come! Change your mindset now. Go after that body you want NOW. Don't leave for tomorrow what you can do today. There is plenty you can do today. Here. Now. Do it. Get started today. Eliminate "I'll start tomorrow" from your mindset. Carpe diem!
#Quote of the day: Don't let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do. - John Wooden
I'll start my diet tomorrow! I'll start exercising next week! Sound familiar? Tomorrow never actually comes because you're too busy putting it off! Why wait to get started? There are very few valid reasons! At this time of year it's even more important to get going with your diet & exercise. Once the holidays hit and the holiday food gets on your plate... all you will have is extra pounds with no dieting or exercising. AND the next thing you know it will be 2012 and you'll have lots more work to do! But you'll fix it, right? You'll make some new year's resolutions that you once again won't do. #realtalk It's a cycle that you have to break. You have to get on it before the food temptations of the holiday begin. Give yourself a fighting chance to succeed and get through the holidays with minimal damage & maybe even some progress. You CAN get through the holidays with minimal weight gain and even some positive steps forward. But you have to begin NOW. Don't wait on tomorrows that never come! Change your mindset now. Go after that body you want NOW. Don't leave for tomorrow what you can do today. There is plenty you can do today. Here. Now. Do it. Get started today. Eliminate "I'll start tomorrow" from your mindset. Carpe diem!
#Quote of the day: Don't let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do. - John Wooden
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Twitter topic of the day: Don't procrastinate... motivate!
My #questionoftheday is do you procrastinate so much that you never do anything?
Unfortunately that is exactly what A LOT of people do! Are you one of them? I myself suffered from this with things not related to exercise. How did I get past it? I decided to stop procrastinating and started motivating myself instead! Instad of thinking of all you need to do or what plans you want to make, instead just jump into action and get it done! Even if you're winging it a bit at first, eventually your goals will become more defined as you see what you can do. The fear of what you can't do will fall away as you prove to yourself the things you can do. Stop wasting time procrastinating and take action. Put that time to good use with action and you'll be ahead of that old you that would've spent that time procrastinating. What's better? The satisfaction of doing something towards your goals or the frustration of figuring out when to start? Get motivated! Get going! Today! Now! Stop waiting. Your new midnset awaits!
#Quote of the day: Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking. - William B. Sprague
Unfortunately that is exactly what A LOT of people do! Are you one of them? I myself suffered from this with things not related to exercise. How did I get past it? I decided to stop procrastinating and started motivating myself instead! Instad of thinking of all you need to do or what plans you want to make, instead just jump into action and get it done! Even if you're winging it a bit at first, eventually your goals will become more defined as you see what you can do. The fear of what you can't do will fall away as you prove to yourself the things you can do. Stop wasting time procrastinating and take action. Put that time to good use with action and you'll be ahead of that old you that would've spent that time procrastinating. What's better? The satisfaction of doing something towards your goals or the frustration of figuring out when to start? Get motivated! Get going! Today! Now! Stop waiting. Your new midnset awaits!
#Quote of the day: Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking. - William B. Sprague
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