Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Twitter topic of the day: What motivates you to diet & exercise?

This post is my twitter daily tips / topic of the day. Follow me on Twitter @ezhomefitness

My #questionoftheday is what motivates you to #diet & #exercise?

Having something that motivates you along your diet and exercise journey is important. Whether it's a dress or pants that you want to fit into or even something so simple as being able to go up stairs without breathing hard... You have to have that motivating factor that you can set your sights on to keep you focused along the way. Right now, list your motivating factors & take a good look at them. Isolate the ones that are for you and your health. Give those priority. The motivating factors u do for you are the ones that will keep u going. You may want to do it for family, kids, etc. but do it for you 1st. Give yourself no reasons to fail. If your motivation to diet & exercise is for someone else then you may resent it. You have to do it for u. If you fail then you have no one to blame but yourself! Are you going to let yourself down? I sure hope not. Remove the motivating factors that are for the wrong reasons and replace them with the ones that will give you the most benefits. Then go out there and WORK!! Give it your best effort. Continuously evaluate and adjust your motivating factors as you progress. That is the only way to keep progressing with your goals. Find those things that motivate u and when they no longer motivate u, replace it! Find your motivators and then MOTIVATE and GET TO WORK!! If u find that you can't motivate yourself then do yourself a favor & find someone who can! There are no excuses other than the ones u make.

#Quote of the day: The most important thing about motivation is goal setting. You should always have a goal. - Francie Larrieu Smith

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