This post is from my twitter daily tips of the day. Follow me on Twitter @ezhomefitness
#Diet tip of the day: The best sugar substitute is Truvia. Made from an herb; 40x sweeter than sugar; 0 calories; no blood sugar rise.
#Exercise tip of the day: When sick, listen to your body before/during working out. Your body needs rest to heal. Do only what you can.
#Quote of the day: Don't let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do. - John Wooden
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Want more than short tips? Want diet & workout articles? Then subscribe to my EZ Home Fitness Motivator Newsletter!
I'm here to help inspire you, motivate you and help you reach your fitness goals whether it's to lose weight, gain weight or train for a sport.
I can help you reach your goals & train you in the comfort of your home with my online training system. Very affordable & flexible plans. If you are interested in being trained by me with my online training program or want more info, visit my site at, read through the Online Training & FAQ pages and you can get started today! I'm ready to help you!
Hi, my name is Mario! I'm a certified personal trainer & lifestyle coach who trains people in their homes and also through an innovative online training system. I train all ages. I am doing this blog as a way to reach more people that I can help to reach their goals. My blog will be full of motivational entries and I hope to inspire you to set and reach your fitness goals. For more about me visit
Monday, August 27, 2012
Monday, April 30, 2012
Twitter tips of the day
This post is from my twitter daily tips of the day. Follow me on Twitter @ezhomefitness
#Diet tip of the day: To prevent dehydration, headaches, cramps, water retention, etc. Drink LOTS of water. Drink 8 8oz. glasses a day minimum.
#Exercise tip of the day: Exercise while watching TV. Every commercial segment, get up & exercise. Pick 1 exercise and work it!
#Quote of the day: No matter who you are, no matter what you do, you absolutely, positively do have the power to change. - Bill Phillips
Get my daily tips &: quotes right to your Facebook page, just hit Like on my FB
I'm here to help inspire you, motivate you and help you reach your fitness goals whether it's to lose weight, gain weight or train for a sport.
I can help you reach your goals & train you in the comfort of your home with my online training system. Very affordable & flexible plans. If you are interested in being trained by me with my online training program or want more info, visit my site at, read through the Online Training & FAQ pages and you can get started today! I'm ready to help you!
#Diet tip of the day: To prevent dehydration, headaches, cramps, water retention, etc. Drink LOTS of water. Drink 8 8oz. glasses a day minimum.
#Exercise tip of the day: Exercise while watching TV. Every commercial segment, get up & exercise. Pick 1 exercise and work it!
#Quote of the day: No matter who you are, no matter what you do, you absolutely, positively do have the power to change. - Bill Phillips
Get my daily tips &: quotes right to your Facebook page, just hit Like on my FB
I'm here to help inspire you, motivate you and help you reach your fitness goals whether it's to lose weight, gain weight or train for a sport.
I can help you reach your goals & train you in the comfort of your home with my online training system. Very affordable & flexible plans. If you are interested in being trained by me with my online training program or want more info, visit my site at, read through the Online Training & FAQ pages and you can get started today! I'm ready to help you!
Friday, April 27, 2012
Twitter Q&A
This post is from my twitter daily tips of the day. Follow me on Twitter @ezhomefitness
It's Friday, it's that day... Q&A Friday!! Ask away with your #diet, #exercise, #nutrition, #stress mgmt, #motivation, #lifestyle questions!
Q: Which nuts are better, walnuts or almonds? A: Walnuts have more fat (good fat) but also more antioxidants & help lower cholesterol.
Q: What are the benefits of using bands? A: Resistance bands offer a convenient, mobile resistance source for doing exercises. Work good!
Q: What is a good exercise for love handles? A: Diet is what will get rid of love handles. To tone the obliques, use core & twisting exercises.
Q: What is better, crunches or situps? A: Both work well of course. Situps work more overall muscles. Crunches are good for upper abs.
Q: I love salty food, is it healthy? A: Depends on what you eat. In moderation. High sodium consumption can lead to high blood pressure.
Q: I just got a treadmill, how long should I use it to lose weight? A: Minimum of 30 min (up to 45 min), 5 - 6 days a week.
#Quote of the day: To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream; not only plan, but also believe. - Anatole France
Get my daily tips & quotes right to your Facebook page, just hit Like on my FB
I'm here to help inspire you, motivate you and help you reach your fitness goals whether it's to lose weight, gain weight or train for a sport.
I can help you reach your goals & train you in the comfort of your home with my online training system. Very affordable & flexible plans. If you are interested in being trained by me with my online training program or want more info, visit my site at, read through the Online Training & FAQ pages and you can get started today! I'm ready to help you!
It's Friday, it's that day... Q&A Friday!! Ask away with your #diet, #exercise, #nutrition, #stress mgmt, #motivation, #lifestyle questions!
Q: Which nuts are better, walnuts or almonds? A: Walnuts have more fat (good fat) but also more antioxidants & help lower cholesterol.
Q: What are the benefits of using bands? A: Resistance bands offer a convenient, mobile resistance source for doing exercises. Work good!
Q: What is a good exercise for love handles? A: Diet is what will get rid of love handles. To tone the obliques, use core & twisting exercises.
Q: What is better, crunches or situps? A: Both work well of course. Situps work more overall muscles. Crunches are good for upper abs.
Q: I love salty food, is it healthy? A: Depends on what you eat. In moderation. High sodium consumption can lead to high blood pressure.
Q: I just got a treadmill, how long should I use it to lose weight? A: Minimum of 30 min (up to 45 min), 5 - 6 days a week.
#Quote of the day: To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream; not only plan, but also believe. - Anatole France
Get my daily tips & quotes right to your Facebook page, just hit Like on my FB
I'm here to help inspire you, motivate you and help you reach your fitness goals whether it's to lose weight, gain weight or train for a sport.
I can help you reach your goals & train you in the comfort of your home with my online training system. Very affordable & flexible plans. If you are interested in being trained by me with my online training program or want more info, visit my site at, read through the Online Training & FAQ pages and you can get started today! I'm ready to help you!
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Twitter tips of the day
This post is from my twitter daily tips of the day. Follow me on Twitter @ezhomefitness
#Diet tip of the day: There is great truth to the saying that says: Eat breakfast like a King, lunch like a Prince and dinner like a Pauper. In other words, eat less as the day wears on as you will have less time to burn those calories off.
#Exercise tip of the day: For obliques (sides of waist), never use weights! Instead use core & twisting exercises to tighten the muscles.
#Quote of the day: In order to change we must be sick and tired of being sick and tired. - unknown
Get my daily tips & quotes right to your Facebook page, just hit Like on my FB
I'm here to help inspire you, motivate you and help you reach your fitness goals whether it's to lose weight, gain weight or train for a sport.
I can help you reach your goals & train you in the comfort of your home with my online training system. Very affordable & flexible plans. If you are interested in being trained by me with my online training program or want more info, visit my site at, read through the Online Training & FAQ pages and you can get started today! I'm ready to help you!
#Diet tip of the day: There is great truth to the saying that says: Eat breakfast like a King, lunch like a Prince and dinner like a Pauper. In other words, eat less as the day wears on as you will have less time to burn those calories off.
#Exercise tip of the day: For obliques (sides of waist), never use weights! Instead use core & twisting exercises to tighten the muscles.
#Quote of the day: In order to change we must be sick and tired of being sick and tired. - unknown
Get my daily tips & quotes right to your Facebook page, just hit Like on my FB
I'm here to help inspire you, motivate you and help you reach your fitness goals whether it's to lose weight, gain weight or train for a sport.
I can help you reach your goals & train you in the comfort of your home with my online training system. Very affordable & flexible plans. If you are interested in being trained by me with my online training program or want more info, visit my site at, read through the Online Training & FAQ pages and you can get started today! I'm ready to help you!
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Twitter tips of the day
This post is from my twitter daily tips of the day. Follow me on Twitter @ezhomefitness
#Diet tip of the day: Eat the skin of apples, the white skin left on an orange after you peel it & other edible fruit skins for bioflavonoids.
#Exercise tip of the day: Feeling muscle soreness? Do warmups to flush away the soreness before your next workout.
#Quote of the day: When it comes to eating right and exercising, there is no "I'll start tomorrow." Tomorrow is disease. - V.L. Allineare
Get my daily tips & quotes right to your Facebook page, just hit Like on my FB
I'm here to help inspire you, motivate you and help you reach your fitness goals whether it's to lose weight, gain weight or train for a sport.
I can help you reach your goals & train you in the comfort of your home with my online training system. Very affordable & flexible plans. If you are interested in being trained by me with my online training program or want more info, visit my site at, read through the Online Training & FAQ pages and you can get started today! I'm ready to help you!
#Diet tip of the day: Eat the skin of apples, the white skin left on an orange after you peel it & other edible fruit skins for bioflavonoids.
#Exercise tip of the day: Feeling muscle soreness? Do warmups to flush away the soreness before your next workout.
#Quote of the day: When it comes to eating right and exercising, there is no "I'll start tomorrow." Tomorrow is disease. - V.L. Allineare
Get my daily tips & quotes right to your Facebook page, just hit Like on my FB
I'm here to help inspire you, motivate you and help you reach your fitness goals whether it's to lose weight, gain weight or train for a sport.
I can help you reach your goals & train you in the comfort of your home with my online training system. Very affordable & flexible plans. If you are interested in being trained by me with my online training program or want more info, visit my site at, read through the Online Training & FAQ pages and you can get started today! I'm ready to help you!
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Twitter tips of the day
This post is from my twitter daily tips of the day. Follow me on Twitter @ezhomefitness
Began a new workout yesterday, feeling very sore today!! BUT I don't shy away from that, I embrace that and so should you. Soreness is your body's way of saying you worked it and that it has to adapt for the next time you work it out that way. Dieting & exercise is all about perspective. If you feel you are doing it for the right reasons, then you will see its all for the better good.
#Diet tip of the day: Skipping meals is only slowing down your metabolism & causing blood sugar spikes when you eat. Eat every 2.5-3 hours.
#Exercise tip of the day: Use total body exercises with little rest between sets to get a muscle workout as well as a cardio workout.
#Quote of the day: It's no coincidence that four of the six letters in health are 'heal'. - Ed Northstrum
Get my daily tips & quotes right to your Facebook page, just hit Like on my FB
I'm here to help inspire you, motivate you and help you reach your fitness goals whether it's to lose weight, gain weight or train for a sport.
I can help you reach your goals & train you in the comfort of your home with my online training system. Very affordable & flexible plans. If you are interested in being trained by me with my online training program or want more info, visit my site at, read through the Online Training & FAQ pages and you can get started today! I'm ready to help you!
Began a new workout yesterday, feeling very sore today!! BUT I don't shy away from that, I embrace that and so should you. Soreness is your body's way of saying you worked it and that it has to adapt for the next time you work it out that way. Dieting & exercise is all about perspective. If you feel you are doing it for the right reasons, then you will see its all for the better good.
#Diet tip of the day: Skipping meals is only slowing down your metabolism & causing blood sugar spikes when you eat. Eat every 2.5-3 hours.
#Exercise tip of the day: Use total body exercises with little rest between sets to get a muscle workout as well as a cardio workout.
#Quote of the day: It's no coincidence that four of the six letters in health are 'heal'. - Ed Northstrum
Get my daily tips & quotes right to your Facebook page, just hit Like on my FB
I'm here to help inspire you, motivate you and help you reach your fitness goals whether it's to lose weight, gain weight or train for a sport.
I can help you reach your goals & train you in the comfort of your home with my online training system. Very affordable & flexible plans. If you are interested in being trained by me with my online training program or want more info, visit my site at, read through the Online Training & FAQ pages and you can get started today! I'm ready to help you!
Monday, April 23, 2012
Twitter tips of the day
This post is from my twitter daily tips of the day. Follow me on Twitter @ezhomefitness
#Diet tip of the day: Place crave foods out of reach/sight-back of the drawer at work, back of fridge, high in a cabinet or just eliminate it.
#Exercise tip of the day: Change your workout every 3-4 weeks to keep it fresh and keep your body from adapting/plateauing.
#Quote of the day: As I see it, every day you do one of two things: build health or produce disease in yourself. - Adelle Davis
Get my daily tips & quotes right to your Facebook page, just hit Like on my FB
I'm here to help inspire you, motivate you and help you reach your fitness goals whether it's to lose weight, gain weight or train for a sport.
I can help you reach your goals & train you in the comfort of your home with my online training system. Very affordable & flexible plans. If you are interested in being trained by me with my online training program or want more info, visit my site at, read through the Online Training & FAQ pages and you can get started today! I'm ready to help you!
#Diet tip of the day: Place crave foods out of reach/sight-back of the drawer at work, back of fridge, high in a cabinet or just eliminate it.
#Exercise tip of the day: Change your workout every 3-4 weeks to keep it fresh and keep your body from adapting/plateauing.
#Quote of the day: As I see it, every day you do one of two things: build health or produce disease in yourself. - Adelle Davis
Get my daily tips & quotes right to your Facebook page, just hit Like on my FB
I'm here to help inspire you, motivate you and help you reach your fitness goals whether it's to lose weight, gain weight or train for a sport.
I can help you reach your goals & train you in the comfort of your home with my online training system. Very affordable & flexible plans. If you are interested in being trained by me with my online training program or want more info, visit my site at, read through the Online Training & FAQ pages and you can get started today! I'm ready to help you!
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